PvP For Fun?

Thank you, I’ve been spouting this idea. Unfortunately the forums are an abyss of trolls and angry people. Very few actually want to discuss anything they just attack nowadays.

At this point I wouldn’t care if they added a scrimmage mode that didn’t award honor. Most of us care little about rank. The environment it breeds is terrible. Putting these two groups of players together just makes that environment worse because you have people forced to participate in what they know is abusing 15 year old game design.


So most teams are rolling over in order to increase their honor gain efficiency and therefore their rank, but you’re one of the good ones who don’t so therefore none of that is consequential to you and therefore isn’t an issue?

Okey dokey then God of the Willies…x. Glad I was able to give you a platform for you to flex.

C’mon now Willy, how are players expected to improve if they just get stomped 24/7. The top end of Warsong has a lot of things in it that aren’t readily apparent, and the top end players don’t exactly go out of their way to help fresh improve at a rate that’s going to let them have fun while learning, nor should they be inclined to.

Overall point is that the skill gap is so far between the two. If you want to get more people open to PVP culture and enjoying Gulch - there needs to be some kind of middle ground solution, because the tech in Gulch is kept pretty close to the chest compared to how readily available everything on the PvE side is from outside sources.

If all that matters is the top end, eventually that culture is going to die, or be such a small outlier that a ton of talent gets lost in the sauce, I think - which is a sad thing to think about.

Because when you need ~800k honor in a week depending on server population, efficiency becomes extremely important. Blame they system, not the players.

I hate to break it to you all you rankers being offended by every post, but the gear isn’t THAT good. There’s already very comparable rewards from just BWL. And this whole “BiS” thing - I’m not sure months of ranking under this abusive and laughable system merits your desire for a few extra strength points.

I hate to break it to all you raiders out there but the gear isnt even that good. Theres already very comparable rewards available through crafting, dungeons and Pvp. And the whole “Bis” thing. I’m not sure months of ranking under this abusive and laughable system merits your desire for a few extra strength points.

Welcome to MMO’s, you must be new here. Everything is a “grind.” If you’re always doing it exclusively for the gear at the end, you’re never going to enjoy any part of it.

What if that is what people find fun?

sure it was

again what if that is what they find fun

Debatable some would argue that is the whole point of the game.

yes there is

again your fun and someone else’s fun may differ, people like different things


Nothing is stopping you

That’s on people, not the “rankers.” No reason why servers cant set up their own discords to organize “middle ground pvp premades” or whatever. But they dont because the people chasing the ranking carrot are the only ones motivated enough to take the initiative.

Pvp is competitive. It’s no different then playing in a basketball team or any sport/craft For that matter. Are you going to spend hours practicing your sport, musical instrument, leveling your toon to 60 just to rollover because “you only wanted to have fun”? or are you going to try to invest some time at getting decent or even good at your craft? This is where I feel the line gets divided from the players who want to pvp vs the ones who come blog on the forums because said premade beat them real bad. Forgive my toxicity here but Participation trophy’s are not exactly seen in a positive manner.


Players abusing the system to farm pugs is why you have 800k+ honor caps.

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Oh I think there are people out there that do, you just don’t find them on the forums because they’re too busy enjoying the game to come here and complain.

Until phase 5 then it’s only as good as 2.5 armor.

I’m not ranking. PVP’ing for fun and currently rank 8.

Still get in my premades cause it’s way more fun to be on voice with my team.

Weapons are bis till phase 6 (drop from Kel)z
Also, I still keep 3 pieces for set bonus in pvp.

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AQR and Death sting are really good, so are the AQ caster weapons. Trash drops in naxx are crazy strong. Chroma from BWL is excellent also, and viskag and deathbringer aren’t bad either. There are lots of really decent options, and for casters also.

Because there’s no point. If you pvp for fun you just get dumped on all day by ranking premades. And I’m pretty sure those rankers aren’t having fun farming pugs all day either. There’s really only one to have fun in classic pvp, and that’s queue with friends/guildies and crack open a few beers.

Has been said by a couple of other posters, but that’s why people “twink”. Sub-60 there’s no reason to PvP other than to PvP for fun, ranking means nothing and people play to win. 49 and 59 brackets especially, you have almost all the toolkit of 60s but rarely get premades or people looking for the highest HPH.

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There’s nothing stopping you from PvPing for fun.

You have to recognize some folks are going to try harder than you, and they will likely win because of it. Using consumables, premading, twinking, etc. are legitamite strategies in classic, and they provide enough of an advantage that the “just for fun” player is going to have a hard time overcoming them.

But if you’re actually playing just for fun, then it shouldn’t matter if the people trying harder tend to win most of the time… right?

Because a lot of people hide behind the “just for fun” line of thought when what they really mean is “I want to have a good chance of winning, but I don’t want to do x y z because I think it’s cheap”.

As in, “Why are there so many engineers? I’m trying to enjoy pvp but everyone has grenades for stuns, making it impossible to have a game just for fun”. See how the just for fun is used to imply using consumables shouldn’t be allowed, or neccessary, to win games?

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this is why retail sucks

PVP for fun as a whole, left the game when the honor system dropped. PVP in wow is the most fun on a fresh server with everyone leveling. Most of the PVP you encounter now is either honor farmers trying to boost their honor per hour, mainly horde players, or people who got their alt killed and they come camp the killer on their main until they log off.

well good for you, you try hard and have fun that way
but, unfortunately, the majority of people who subscribed to WoW with the intention to PvP like taking it easy without getting GY camped(which makes it stop being fun because the loss is so overwhelming compared to something like a 1-3 or 600/2000 loss), and didn’t expect over 90% of ABs and WSGs to be premades fighting PuGs whether you’re alliance or horde
the majority of the people who like to take it easy when they PvP either quit PvPing shortly after p2 began because WPvP was roaming deathballs of AoE roaming every populated zone, or quit PvPing a few weeks after BGs were released because of the unexpectedly high density of premades
alot of these people have unsubbed by now

some peoples’ boats are floated in different ways than yours are