PvP Feels Neglected from the Top Down

Was aids, 3 or 4 warriors. Mostly fury, including Dabdaddy.

I thought so, queues are longer than early in the season, but that’s expected they still relatively quick.

Literally incorrect. Inflating or deflating mmr does absolutely nothing if ranks aren’t percentile based. Talking endlessly about inflation or deflation just ignores the actual problem, which is that titles/rewards should be percentile like how it used to be and worked perfectly fine. There’s no need to manipulate an ELO system as long as *** rankings are percentile based and not hard locked *** that’s literally it’s entire purpose.

Restrict titles and rewards to 2’s and 3’s and stop hard locking titles at irrelevant ratings. That alone fixes a good majority of the problems with participation and tilt.
Solo is a malignant disease, but if you want to fix part of the problem with it then just combine healer and dps mmr and stop giving people 1900mmr for free.

A good part of the solutions are actually incredibly easy and basically just reverting back to pre-dragonflight. If you’re going to manipulate the rating system at all, then have it be with unplayed rating decay.


People will understand eventually is killing pvp. Notice how pve got worse for people with timers and delves ate that up?

That extra thing (rating being poorly done anyway) is a weight rn because real life is harddderrrr for like 80% of the planet rn. its bad business when we could easily just do ranks by threshold/percentage/participation idk just playing? I mean if you are good you are good lol

Dungeon timers been a thing since mop which was 12 years ago

Also delves give champ gear with a weekly hero piece which is awful

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12 years of trash is still trash lol game is lacking heart. Literally might be the walking dead.

How is inflation / deflation not the problem? I don’t think I’m incorrect but sure. When shuffle is jumping 40 MMR a week. & people were pushing over 2400 blitz in the first month. Does that sound familiar? Solo shuffle DF season 1 Crimson & everyone was playing. Way less is playing now because the gameplay is bad. Same issues in m+ as well.

Eh. I think more seasons should be like Draconic where it starts more inflated but is a short season so people queue now.

Key players just only play with giga s+++ tier specs and it’s really easy to instantly blow up push keys.

Yeah it’s just bad gameplay
 /: some of the worse I have seen. Right in the title. & nerfing tanks / healers to the floor I thought was hilarious. Shows how lost LFG really is. Every key is a completion with some of the highest completions we have ever seen. Obviously the general player base can’t handle it :slight_smile:

Not to mentioning this happens on 10+ a lot.

Yeah, I don’t get the tank changes. I guess they were worried about healers not having giant pull over whether or not the tanks live or die but that’s still mostly in the hands of the tank but the role is now less forgiving on top of already being the most stressful and obviously unpopular.

Something that’s
kind of double-sided? Is that there’s fewer fluff keys, though, for better or worse. In DF you’d push a 23 then a 24 then a 25 and they’re all basically the same key.

Yeah I got to like 25/26 I think. I slacked a lot when I was pushing pushing. This time around I think blizzard wanted to massively nerf healers and tanks because tanks were way too broken. Self healing with healers that were beyond broken. Felt immortal.

This is probably the worse m+ season I have saw. PvP is starting to get up there too. I have 0 interest in playing end game. Everything just feels clunky and bad.

I think blizzard dropped the ball massively early on. Classic round whatever 4 5 it’s on. Yeah retail is dying

PvP has been crap ever since they moved away from the original honor system in classic with the weekly ratings. The pvp gear wasnt really the best so people didnt really care that much about it so people didnt pvp to gear up. They pvp’d because they loved to (and Marshal/Warlord obviously). We didnt have the massive amount of leavers we have because of that. We didnt have the “I can do something better for 15 minutes and requeue” mentality AT ALL. The entire overall experience was simply better. Sure you can go play classic but its never going to be the same.

WoW PVP will never be good because the average game experience for casual players is terrible. Most games are complete blowouts one way or the other because they allow so much variation in player power. PVP is a small niche for sweaty tryhards and/or people buying/selling boosts. The average PVP enjoyer just wants to blow up people with 1/2 their power and Blizzard enables this playstyle. And because that initial experience sucks so bad, people just go back to PVE or quit altogether.

the MMR system needs to be like majority of competitive games in ranked Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters all of these ranks should be percentage based until you hit Grand masters then should be number based. which could be as followed, Combatant, Rival, Duelist, Elite, Gladiator, Rank 1. and if you get on a win streak for 4-5 or more games you should get a shield to protect you from a de-rank/loss of points. this is the best system it’s been proven in multiple games even overwatch.

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If the reward is good enough, people will feel like they have to get involved, even when they absolutely despise PvP. I don’t think exclusive collectable rewards are a good solution- in fact, they’re a problem.

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I think the chicken and egg are reversed here. It’s when people play that inflates the MMR, not the other way around. It DOES create a self-fulfilling prophecy, though. When people say, “game is dead. waiting for inflation” they kill it a little more every time.


Lot of good ideas that should be implemented, no question.

All that said, I still think the unavoidable key to serious participation is that the division between PvE gear and PvP gear needs to be close to eliminated. Not completely eliminated, but there needs to a lot more ease to crossing over from one to the other. Optimally, a player should feel like engaging in PvP, if they’re even halfway decent at it, is competitive with with M+.

An example might be that you could earn Gilded Crests for any Rated PvP match you play above 1800, getting more if you win than if you lose, but still getting a tiny pittance even from losses.

Most players are focusing on their PvE goals in WoW. The people I tend to see engage in PvP often only even bother after they’ve earned all their portals, got KSH, and Ahead of the Curve. They don’t hate the PvP gameplay, and they often get frustrated with M+ (especially if they’re not a meta spec, when M+ often means getting declined for an hour and not even playing the game). But if they want better PvE gear, they have to M+ or raid. PvP gear basically doesn’t count to them.

They’d do PvP a lot more if they felt like they were gaining gear power relevant to PvE out of it. And on top of that, under that approach, if they get to the point where they do finish their seasonal PvE goals - they’ve likely got a fully geared out PvP set and are already involved in the PvP season. Makes it a lot easier for them to transition to pushing a seasonal PvP goal they might not have considered pursuing before.

Again, lots of other good suggestions in this thread tailored to improving PvP gameplay itself. That’s important too, and needs to not be neglected, but Blizzard needs to drop this model of PvP and PvE gearing being sharply divided and irrelevant to each other. It is extremely damaging to the PvP side of the game.


The inflation is what is killing the game truthfully. It’s really sad to see this expansion and season toast. It won’t get better next season either. If anything it’s only going to get worse from here. The numbers are going less and less each time. The same 50 100 names of players.

Add-ons, you forgot add-ons :sunglasses:

There is definitely some rotation. There are a few healers, ferals, warlocks, sp, and warriors who have barely been glad before in the r1 range and duelists/rivals who are getting glad.

There are also some top-end players quitting.

It does make sense that the same top 50-100 people playing would continue to be good, though.