PvP Feels Neglected from the Top Down

This is just about as much as I would have expected you specifically to add to any interesting discussion.

If this was ‘fishing for likes’ what does that categorize your arm-folded late 2006 internet cool guy take as? So the OP put their thoughts into a bot to make them easier to parse. This doesn’t invalidate any of their points, and attacking the person not the points is always a room-temperature IQ maneuver.

I don’t know what it is about non-contributors which disgusts me so consistently but there’s always one, and it never misses

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I didn’t even use AI to write my post.

I write WoW PvP guides for a living, so I am just used to making things concise.


Are you happy now? He gave you the desired attention you’ve been looking for.

I agree blizzard pvp devs we need some much needed changes to PvP please do something about it Blizzard

This is exactly why I suggest simple power changes rather than design changes. I could set up a simple algorithm in 10 min flat, which will pull the data from the API about the win% of each spec. Then the algorithm will give them a simple sorting based on win %, and print a list of which specs are over/underperforming.

All they gotta do is buff every underperfoming spec by 2% each weak, and nerf the over performers. It will at most take a single person 30 min to do this task every week - is that too much to ask for?

Same thing with the current rating structure, they have to actively monitor and adjust it to not fall apart … and it IS falling apart.
Why not just set up a robust percentage based ranking system (like every other modern game on the planet), and not worry about it anymore?

It will be less work overall, after the initial update.

But I’m not sure if they have the capacity to do very much … despite the 16 mil active accounts paying 17$ per month, they seemingly can’t afford a single dedicated PvP developer.

At least they hired a graphics designer to make the Brutosaur mount! sigh

what if we just stopped resetting MMR every expansion and season?

Reset current rank/rating but leave MMR. Perform manual MMR deflation when numbers become too high.

Would probably resolve a number of issues.

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so draconic

ya, if we retained MMR from DFS4 to TWWS1… the ladder wouldn’t be as deflated currently, right?

Blitz also has played a role, sucking participation out of Shuffle/3s.

Based on this, we will most likely end up with this same issue with the release of Midnight?

I have a screenshot/links to the data but can’t post it kek


Why do people keep saying this? Bulleted lists existed well before ChatGPT did and I even ran the post through an AI checker and the results were it was written by a human with a 98% confidence level.

People just immediately labeling things as AI generated reminds me of BGB players that scream win trading in chat as soon as they start losing.


Ya it’d be bugged/exploit levels of inflation

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This is completely wrong

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I dont get it.

Agreed on all points.

Consider merging SS 3v3 and into a dynamic queue as well.


If they merged SS into 3v3 with a dynamic Q, then we could hear about premades in random/epic BGs, Blitz,…AND 3v3, making for a solid trifecta of endless forums posts covering all the versions of pvp being ruined by people grouping together. Or something like that.

I’m not saying it sounds like a good idea, but I’m not not saying that either.

You mean like every other game does? doesn’t ranked fortnite duos/trio’s/squads allow you to que alone or with a team? Doesn’t overwatch allow that? Doesn’t Warzone allow that? Doesn’t league allow that? I mean the list goes on.

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This is a great post.

  • healers should not be put in 200cr points above and below.
  • characters under 1000cr should not be put in any lobbies above 1800.
  • No gold sinks (as mentioned 25k for a gem).
  • Remove DUO q for Blitz.
  • Remove expansion base MMR.
  • Rework MMR / Inflation.
  • Allow lower XP players to progress at their own level, don’t force it down the throat.

There is probably a bunch of things I’m forgetting but just a few to mention. I didn’t read everything and all of the comments so if it was added my apologies.


Oh bless your soul

Hmm. Well, these are free for playing. We don’t really have anything else to spend honor on, and it finally gives us a bit of income for pressing queue.