PVP has always, ALWAYS, been neglected by blizzard. It’s why I didn’t even bother buying this latest expansion. They think throwing out a new arena map each expac is sufficient… it’s not.
Players should absolutely not start over at 0 rating each season- just to stomp their way through the low brackets again each time. A zero rating start should only happen at the beginning of the xpac.
Gear sets feel awful, too. Each season you have to grind for the same exact set of gear you had from the season before, just with a slightly higher ilvl and in a different color. Why not just let players upgrade their gear from the previous season into the current season? The upgrade mechanic is already there. Remove the tedium.
The last, most awful part, is how absolutely painful it is just to get a group of 10 people together for RBGs. Has to be the most toxic part of the whole game. Blizzard even realized organizing a premade team of 6 was too much of an ask for Overwatch, so why would they think it’s reasonable to demand wow players organize their own groups of 10 players? Use the rating system for matchmaking, enforce a team comp like you would for dungeon finder, and let players queue up for RBGs. If they want increased participation then they need to make it easier to participate.
It doesn’t take a genius to make PvP in wow better. Blizzard simply doesn’t care. And they won’t ever care. We are just screaming into the void here.