PvP Feels Neglected from the Top Down

Whole system seems to hinge on the idea that to climb up you need to push someone else down in rating. When the majority of players in the middle of the bell curve of participation (lets say 1500 to 2000) all quit playing, then there is almost no one to stand on to get those 2400+ ratings this season.

Should give points for wins based on difference btwn mmr and cr and not lose points when you lose. Give a range btwn 10 and 50 pts per win based on difference to your higher mmr and let people climb up as fast or slow as they can. When their mmr equals their cr it will be harder to climb, so theyll need to start winning a few in a row to again raise mmr.

No reason to lose points in pvp. When you lose a mythic boss fight or a high key mythic plus you dont lose the way you would if it was an arena or blitz match loss. In pve you rez and try to win again. Why does pvp need to be a different system built on climbing over other people?

Have rewards for prestige based on # total games played to duelist or glad, and give recolor mounts for shuffle and blitz, not just 3s… maybe even a mount or something unique for 2s.

Pvp is like caveman era stuff, while pve has been reborn and revamped each expansion. Time to overall pvp in wow.