PvP feels like it's in the worst state it has ever been in

Same thing just happened. Another southshore brawl. Down by 30. People just started suiciding to end it fast.

Seriously can’t wait for rated blitz brawl.

I’ll never queue for an epic BG or southshore brawl again… not even for the daily conquest win. No amount of rewards can make crappy game design fun.

If this is their idea of large scale pvp, they just need to delete it. Take it out of the game.


Can we just all at least agree that MM needs a major 10% dmg buff?

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MM needs fireball and flash heal. I fee bad for them

And the lightening…

Butt lightning!!

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Just had a Southshore brawl where we literally lost 150 to 0. The opening fight alone 20+ of us died within seconds.

It was against “cheating” premade.

Gets worse and worse.

And being an enhancement shaman doesn’t help much in those types of BGs.

The pvp designers in this game need to be handed some pink slips rather than pats on the back.


I feel like you are akin to a bears fan…holding onto the 1985 Super Bowl win. Enhance were neutered when they lost duel wield. GG.

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it wasn’t even the fastest or more bursty expansion bud…

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The problem with systemlands gearing was it took long to have honor gear fully upgraded. Starter gear should not take so long to upgrade.

I was able to obtain PVE epics or even PVP conquest gear at a faster rate than fully upgraded honor gear in systemlands. If you were sitting there and upgrading every single piece of honor gear to max you were a fool.

That was the fatal flaw many of us told BlizZard in the Systemlands beta. In fact in beta the honor amount to upgrade was a lot more and they had to lessen each rank. but increased total ranks.

The thinking behind the PVP honor upgrade system was that if players had gaps in their epics or stat priorites they could use fully upgraded PVP honor gear to fill gaps (eg weapons, rings, etc).

But PVP honor gear is starter gear and it made no sense with how they designed it.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Dude is in the top 50.5% (49.5th percentile) at exactly 1800 in shuffle. I only point this out because players are way less likely to get into rated pvp due to false information that people post cuz they are justifying their own experience. 1800 does not require you to outperform even the majority of players who have queued for any rated pvp. Not saying it happens over night, but it’s nowhere near the realm of impossible.

SLands gearing had its flaws but I do wish there was a happy medium between rated pvp being required to even participate in pvp and rated pvp being completely irrelevant for max gear. It is an mmo and historically, mmos required some level of participation in challenging content to be competitive.


Yeah exactly. I’m terrible at arena, but I have no problem getting 1800 if I want to. The idea that most people who try can’t achieve this is silly.

Feel free to look at NA’s rating distributions for Solo Shuffle:


1800s are 84.5th percentile


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Drustvar omits tens of thousands of players on the low end of the ladder.

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Think about it this way.

At the start of the season, the ladder’s bell curve is centered at 1500 rating. 1500 is the average rating. Yes?

With inflation, the average rating moves up a bit. However, unless the season has gone super duper long, the average rating still remains below 1800.

If you break 1800, you’re above the average.

If you claim you don’t need to outperform a majority of players to hit 1800, that would mean the average rating is higher than 1800. Is the average rating higher than 1800?

If they’re omitting players on the low end of the ladder, wouldn’t that mean the actual percentile is even higher?


After 2 hour q last nite for a arms q to only go 3 rounds till someone quit pvp is ded and the 3’s players will continue in there circle jerk till theirs nobody left. Lul.

Idk, you’d have to show me where anything says this. That said, with carry over mmr I find it hard to believe.

Again, no idea where you’re pulling this info from other than a feeling you have.

Fair point. That said, it stands to reason if numerous players are missing from the low end, there are likely quite a few missing from the mid/upper end. I looked at drustvar earlier this season and it said there were 185 people or so above 2400 but there were over 200 on Blizz’s leaderboard at the time. If they are missing ~10% of the players from such a small segment, it’s likely they are missing boatloads from others. All this to say if these two sites say 1800 is literally 25 percentile points different from each other, we don’t know what it is for certain without confirmation from blizz. It’s fine to look at them for a reference point but I don’t stand behind the idea that we should shape our entire ideas for how to develop the game when the info is so incomplete.

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That’s how the system works.

If you have a brand new toon (with no previous MMR), you can queue for Solo Shuffle and see where the current average rating is at in your first placement game. (I’ve never tried, but you might even be able to get this info by queuing as a spec you’ve never played before.)

I’m not familiar with your site. I didn’t see an overall rating distribution thing. I might have missed it.

In your example, I think you’re looking at data for a specific spec, i.e. havoc DH, which just so happens to be one of the strongest DPS specs this season in Solo Shuffle. Havoc DHs’ average rating is probably higher than almost everyone else’s. An average DH still needs to outperform a majority of players (all DPS specs) to hit 1800.

Yeah I see what you’re saying.

I think you’re right. The site I was looking at is showing based on his specific spec. I would agree that the DH has to be a higher “rating than the average player”, but not that he has to outperform them lol. DH is the most faceroll aids class in the game atm and you don’t really have to outperform the people you’re facing to win. Just being a DH does most of the work for you. But I take your point.

Anyways, like I was saying before… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the game having some level of competitiveness to obtain gear/rewards. I do think it’s gotten too polluted with outliers though. The mmr system really works the best if everybody is queuing up and pushing to their maximum potential at all times. The problem is that’s not what’s happening. People hit the rating they want and then log out and take their mmr out of the system with them. Or they log on an alt to roflstomp lesser skilled players. I know this would never happen, but I’d be genuinely curious to see what the ratings across the board would look like if everybody was limited to only one character and we were all pushing to obtain the highest rating we possibly could at all times instead of constantly loggin on an alt to protect our rating on our main. All in all, the game has a lot of issues, but I think they are community created more than design flaws. I’m actually low key hoping blizz lets bgblitz rating run rampant and tons of people are getting elite and queueing up and having fun like s1 of df was with shuffle. If they kneecap it to preserve interest in arena or something, everybody’s gonna be having a bad time.