PvP feels like it's in the worst state it has ever been in

Yeah I see what you’re saying.

I think you’re right. The site I was looking at is showing based on his specific spec. I would agree that the DH has to be a higher “rating than the average player”, but not that he has to outperform them lol. DH is the most faceroll aids class in the game atm and you don’t really have to outperform the people you’re facing to win. Just being a DH does most of the work for you. But I take your point.

Anyways, like I was saying before… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the game having some level of competitiveness to obtain gear/rewards. I do think it’s gotten too polluted with outliers though. The mmr system really works the best if everybody is queuing up and pushing to their maximum potential at all times. The problem is that’s not what’s happening. People hit the rating they want and then log out and take their mmr out of the system with them. Or they log on an alt to roflstomp lesser skilled players. I know this would never happen, but I’d be genuinely curious to see what the ratings across the board would look like if everybody was limited to only one character and we were all pushing to obtain the highest rating we possibly could at all times instead of constantly loggin on an alt to protect our rating on our main. All in all, the game has a lot of issues, but I think they are community created more than design flaws. I’m actually low key hoping blizz lets bgblitz rating run rampant and tons of people are getting elite and queueing up and having fun like s1 of df was with shuffle. If they kneecap it to preserve interest in arena or something, everybody’s gonna be having a bad time.