PvP DoT Damage + Resistances

I dont think I’ve resisted a single DC lol

It should be a folder in your Videos folder. You have to be in a game when you press Win+G for it to show up. Not sure why it wouldn’t work maybe search windows for “DVR” to see if it’s not enabled

If this is the case, it is surely not working as it did in vanilla. Wouldn’t be surprised though, with the rest of the bugs we see.

I have noticed that my death coil & shadowburn spells are resisted significantly more than expected for any binary or non-binary spell. The targets I cast against are all level 60 players with expectedly low shadow resist in the range of 10-30 Shadow resist.

I am looking to see if any other warlock experiences this or if I’m being unlucky/ sample size might be too small.

Well it’s very possible that there are some bugs with this game engine being an utter turd…

Curse of shadows is making a yuuuuge difference as to whether those two spells hit or not for me in pvp, so yeah, could be confirmation bias, but given that deathcoil is supposed to be binary, I doubt it.

My guess is, whether intentional or not, Shadowburn is currently classed as binary due to its debuff.

Curse of Shadows drops a players “Resistance” value to zero so long as they’re below the Cures of shadows debuff numerical value.

This would indeed make perfect sense because it pushes the chance to fully resist off the table assuming they’re below what is it 70 resist?? Something like that…

i mean this is really easy to disprove. all you have to do is ask any warlock to link their recount for corruption or curse of agony to you. there is no resist check for dots that have already been applied. the only resist check for dots in classic is when they are applied. so you are 100% wrong. in fact that is the complaint of the original post since you have no clue what this post is about lol.

It was the exact same in vanilla as well. the only dot that ticks for different damage is curse of agony, since it ramps up the longer it is on a target, thats just how the dot is built.

Lol. Nope.

Every DoT tick in vanilla gets a resist check. Every single time.

Dots could not crit until WOTLK or CATA, definitly not vanilla or tbc

I used to run a resistance set on my mage in vanilla just for warlocks, partial resists were a thing for every spell except frostbolt (NPC’s can still partial resist a frostbolt, so that is bugged also in classic)