PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

Does not matter, you can either play it if you like or not if you don’t like. Part of the appeal is to play it as it was back thn


#NoChanges has been officially dead since TBC and wasn’t practiced in reality during vanilla. Funny your selectively applying it here when that ship has sailed years ago.


I don’t know, maybe they had a change of heart, because changes just destroyed WoTLK.


What changes? The heroic+? Wrath heroics were total garbage in original and this just made them an inch closer to not being brain dead. Ret paladins not being total garbage until ICC when they were better in earlier patches anyway in OG?

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Changes killed wrath. They didn’t add RDF until it was almost over and most of us had just got tired of waiting and unsubbed till cata. These new devs are full of brain rot. Should have brought the older ones back if only temporarily and paid them fairly to help re-release the content.


The thing is emfh or whatever they changed to still had horde go it’s Imba.

In bg. 2 things though.

In bg this matters less. You get slammed with more than 1 cc. I have humans in retail . I wished I got one cc. It’s more like 10 lol.

Retail nerfed it even. The amount of cc it did not cover had me, with a human, run 2 proper trinkets in bg. The free cc breaker that didn’t break half the cc I got hit with. Trink did though.

Also since bg rants…retail had merc mode. Horde came over. And still lost. I know why.

The place was ashran. The dude running the show a famed pandaran monk. I’d follow his orders to the letter. High win rate was why. That monk was a fine leader many knew of.

And there were horde mercs bringing their zug zug. A strat that won most times just fell to crap. Repeatedly .

And when I was on horde seeing this monk I and others would call out this monks strats in chat.

They will do this. Let’s not help set them up being…well, horde.

Horde said nope, zug zug. Most did what that monk wanted them to do. And we got thrashed.

2 trinkets is fun. Wasting a trinket slot on a mandatory pvp medallion is boring. Defeats the point of even having trinket slots imo.

Cata classic is the better version of Wotlk Classic.


so true, I ve been in matches where the opposite team consisted only of powered twinks and premade teams and still was able to play the objective and have a good match.

It requires your own people to play the game, not expect to farm easy honor. getting farmed at the GY? simply dont spawn in like a nugget, there are ways around this even without stealth. Good players can have a match. Sad fact is that too many people today are muppets who have no idea how to utilize their class or play in a team.

One night I was Horde all night. I just wish they had an option to turn this off. It’s good it exist but also should be an option.

Don’t ruin the best time to play PvP when racials actually mattered a lot.

If it was an option no one would take it.

must be a you problem im 351ilvl and working on my 2nd horde shaman. im winning my bgs. beating bene premades ez

Except your actually F tier player

There’s a reason nobody ever brought you to real games

Did alliance cry about orc racials during era? If I played Horde I would organize my own premades.

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In terms of raids? Sure. The leveling experience and world revamp? Absolutely awful in cata.

Way better in cata.

Go play retail then.

I went alliance, now I win most bgs

I have played both sides equally in my time. The losing streak for Horde in BGs is epic. It was actually not bad before 85 when we had the same gear, more or less. Nothing to complain about. Today though, a literal +20 losing streak. I’m not saying anything but the truth. I could suffer out the losing and when I have full pvp gear it won’t be so bad because I can do RBG and it’s fine but in casual BGs it’s really bad. Nothing to do to fix it but it’s just the facts. It’s not Human racial trinket making people play better but the try-hards go Alliance to squeeze out an edge in Arena. It’s more of a thing now than it ever was in the past. Like I said, when the Horde get full resilience and it’s a weekday night, this will not be a big deal but the weekend casuals on Horde are getting an epic stomping like I have never seen.

As for my pvp exp, I liked RBGs but when it got to 2100 level I no longer wanted to work that hard or hear yelling in Discord any longer. I just like a fun balanced BG but that might not happen for a while.

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If you find enjoyment out of 2 shotting everything in sight with no risk of failure, you do you. You are in the minority but you are entitled to enjoy toddler leveling.