PvP Damage Reduction Test #2 - May 3

20% is not enough

Physical and magical both need to be bumped to 35%


Have you tried it yet? Its actually pretty decent

Yes I have been pvping all morning.

Still destroying every class on rogue with zero counter play. It needs to be bumped a touch more.

Boomy same thing. I will say most of the people pvping on living flame are awful so sometimes its hard to tell but the damage is still pretty high

I will say pvp is feeling pretty good as a mage healer. Still can get blown up easy, but it feels about right. Maybe a couple specs just a tad overpowered still, but I have not felt cheated by too much anymore.

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I get that, im saying that damage and healing reductions combined will punish specs that are already struggling to find any decent footing in PvP. I know who the changes are targeted at (ret and enhance with a lesser focus on Shadow) but Demo and others are catching strays on this one.

But we still need Shaman nerfs…and can we get Pally bubble buffed to 2 minutes duration?

Lol you are not playing on a rogue stop lying.

Lol stop pretending you’re playing on a rogue.

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Yeah and they can do that with gear sets. Do you not remember irradiated set from p2? That had -10 stam on it but was bis for pve dps? Anyone wearing that in pvp was DEAD. Add gear set bonuses that buff classes where they need to be buffed to compete in pve and keep the stam low to none on them so that they wont be useful in pvp.

I am not gonna sit here and theory craft every rune needed for every class to be more successful. But that direction is WAY better than a trash Blanket DR and MS. If you think that spell reflect and heroic throw wouldn’t give warriors the ability to win fights you clearly know nothing about pvp. Oh no I had to put on a shield… the horror. That is literally what warriors do…

No I meant “Starfire” It has a cast time and it is one of the main abilities everyone cries about. But the druid has to stand still to cast it and can be prevented from doing so.

Didn’t say to GUT it said to reduce it’s damage and buff the hard casts. No one cares about trash except speed runners and the speed runners are gonna kill trash so fast that all a spriest is gonna have time for is mindsear anyway. The dots still do damage but void plague doesn’t need to do 400 non crit ticks into 800 crits. they still have pets and death and mind blast is literally a 1.5 sec cast They would still be fine in pvp and still have the ability to kite.

Good they are BUMS! The ele sham literally has to get into a 24 yard range to cast flame shock and they either pray for a power surge proc or hard cast the lb. And you can dispell flame shock and lava burst is irrelevant without a crit.

Sounds like more BUM talk. If a warrior is crying about needing to use a shield they clearly picked the wrong class. Give a good warrior those runes and they will CRANK

Make it a 30-45 sec cd with a 3 sec silence on it. That + sr should give them enough windows to deal with casters. If not… welp BUMS

Sounds like they may need to use their abilities to stop the shaman from getting the cast off. How unfortunate. The workable solution is literally more stamina on gear and people not playing poorly idk what else to say the solution already exists in the current meta People are just BUMS.

Far less lazy than they.

I laugh in the face of BUMS that play poorly. Why do I need approval of some reddit cry babies? I don’t care if they are happy or not I care if the game functions well.

That is the reality of the game. The PvE BUMS want to dictate the pace of PvP when they suck at it. Idk get better.

It is easy. The game already feels fine. I don’t often get 1 shot instantly by every class in the game as everyone suggests. And people crying on the forums that they lose in PvP cause they suck is no cause for concern. Like people think they should just be able to stand in the open vs a hunter or caster and not die. It is a night and day difference between people that know how to kite and position properly and people that just want to w key at enemies with no thought.

I did not say to add 50 stamina to each piece of gear a slight stamina increase and max a 10% dr as a set bonus would be fine. Idk what is broken about ferals I have seen like 3 of those this entire phase and never lose to them so idk.

My suggestions are a lot less lazy than what the devs are doing. And much more in the spirit of the game they advertised. You can play devils advocate all you want. But it doesn’t change the fact that people crying should never be the reason for nerfing the entire game. 99% of the whiners are just poor player aka BUMS. BM pets were absurdly broken in p1 and did they nerf the entire world? No they nerfed BM pets that makes sense. Not oh no people are doing damage we gotta stop em… Boaring

I cancelled my sub. Ends at the end of this month. Not looking for world of warcraft classic era season of retail. Also cant play my class when they make these changes. Mage been pretty lackluster just amplified by when these changes come out. I’ll resub when they figure it out, if I haven’t lost interest by then

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TLDR damage is still way too high.
as melee you still die in 2 secs when playing in BS. mind you thats with LOS and trying to avoid damage.
Shaman> Pali by far in bg, this goes back to the idea of Range>Melee with no damage reduction. Melee have no time to react when you die in 1-3 secs.


  1. turn the damage reduction back to 50%+
  2. turn down the healing by 20%-30% so people still die.
  3. shaman and hunter are doing way too much damage compare to others.

Whenever Gskherald says “bums” does anyone else think of Pauly from Rocky?

It’s the only thing I get out of his posts.


That’s a lot of “BUMS” dismissal. lol

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How is the new version boys?

Lol with how they jump to personal insults and how hostile/angry/ridiculous their posts are I’m pretty sure they just have an agenda to entice an upset response from people. If they aren’t just trolling they are probably mad at an irl situation and are taking that energy to the WoW SoD forums but I gotta say if that’s the case they are screwing over their own stance on the matter because people aren’t going to take them seriously talking like that.

do whatever you want, shaman still wins every fight

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Thank you, Please stop posting on these forums then if you cancelled your sub, we’re slowing getting less toxic

first impressions: Its not enough

maybe do 30% melee, 40% caster, 20% healing

all versions of shaman are totally busted for group fights or solo fights lmao.

Warlocks are difficult to deal with too since their drain life can seemingly be instantly reapplied when its dispelled


In practice the only healing that matters in BG’s is healing people who are actively being attacked, so what this change has effectively done is nerf spell damage by 10%, nothing else. Why? Because the physical damage nerf of 20% is directly offset by the healing nerf if 20% leaving only the 30% spell damage nerf.

Maybe save us all some time and just nerf spell damage by 10% next time?

From a priest perspective, last weekend’s test felt a lot better. It was worthwhile to try and heal because I wasn’t getting two-shot. This weekend, I might as well just go shadow.