Just to begin, this is going to be a mean small wall of text, with a generalization of MG.
So I was in Lavia’s Patience world questing in Warmode. Generally I don’t care if I die, infact I have fun just getting into fights. I got into a few good fights with this 79 Ret and his Elemental buddy. We fought back and forth for like an hour from quest to quest spot. They were from a MG guild called pvp pizza party.
Eventually they must have gotten upset that I kept winning at one point cause I kept shooting and blasting them off a cliff edge cause they had a 3rd member join a Holy Pally with about 8m hp so Im guessing he was in PRETTY high gear -.-
3 v 1 became impossible so I asked in chat if anyone was around to help me out?
I would have asked in FLAK but I dont have it on my hunter.
Normally and what I was expecting was Nothing…no one to say anything…which fine whatever -.-
But instead I got 2 different replys from MG people more or less saying they dont pvp and dont care they are in warmode. One of them also called me a try hard…what ever that means.
The comment felt really insulting though. IF your gonna be in Warmode you should be willing to assist and to FIGHT. If you wanna be some loser looking for free bonus loot why arent you on Alliance Moon Guard!
Im glad we have groups like FLAK cause we need them. Because we sure arent going to get any random help from the Cowards in Warmode from Moon Guard…