PvP Class Tuning Incoming - March 11

Would it be possible to fix your game to prevent players from exploiting bugs to get full conquest gear, or is that too much to ask?

h ttps://check-pvp.fr/eu/Xavius/Shouzo

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Great. Now how about just giving outlaw some damage, period?


I agree, I think they should just bring all the other healers in line with disc priest, disc feels like the only healer that can heal the damage right now. everything else feels pretty bad to play


NO!!! DO not do this or you will kill epic. I wont que for them if they do.
They need to fix the BGs not the deserter

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The fact that ya nerfed fire and buffed RET and WW monks shows ya dont actually play the game. Melee are beyond broken in BGB


this patch it seams they went way to hard on nurfing warriors and went out of control buffing hunters. i’m full pvp and watching hunters crit for 4.5 to 3.5 mil


The only ones who would oppose this are the ones who want to be able to quit when they see it won’t be a quick and easy win. If those people quit queuing, the problem is solved.

Could we get PvE tuning also then? This is only PvP.

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And youll see that EPic que times are 30 minutes or more. Not many people will be left. But you do you and keep asking for the game to be a ghost town.

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Blizzard doesn’t know what to do with rogues so they just dookie on them every chance they get. Subs whole identity is burst damage

How about fixing the numerous stealth bugs and giving us back enveloping shadows and shadowy duel instead of gutting our class constantly.

Or how about updating the deathstalker hero tree and making it viable in PvP and maybe tie it to garrote for assassin
 you people are useless.


The ones leaving are no loss. They’re going to quit anyway, so it’s no big deal. I think you greatly overestimate the effect this will have, but as you said with that tired catchphrase, “you be you” :wink:

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I feel you.

Melee are miles ahead of Ranged.
Fire Mages and Spriests are ahead of Warlocks.
Warlocks aren’t even topping fights meant for Destruction and Aff Strengths.

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Youll see if your desire is implemented. There are way more that leave than that would stay and many of those would just stop doing epics cuz que times.

And ignore listed

Why in the world is MW being nerfed again??? That change is so random.

I do appreciate the number of changes but I hope devs keep reading player feedback on PvP particularly arena.


i agre 100 %

  • Paladin
  • Retribution
    • Blade of Justice damage increased by 25% in PvP combat.
    • Final Verdict damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
    • Judgment damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Expurgation damage increased by 40% in PvP combat.

And that’s all to paladin retry? is it a mockery Blizzard? it requires a thorough review, you continue perpetuating its problem, you understand, it has no haste, no damage reduction, no disarm reduction, no slow reduction and cc, it has no mobility, it does not resist any type of damage and much less magical, it has useless healing at a very high mana cost and if that were not enough, he still has a very serious paralytic problem, zero mobility, this is death in PVP, GCD cooldowns are incredibly huge and irrational, remove GCD for Divine Shield because many times in combat you can’t use it because you’re hitting, or you hit or you use defensive, that mechanic doesn’t feel good and is counterproductive, the Templar mechanic and the Empire hammer don’t feel good either and are nerfed, as well as our mastery and the low survivability we had with versatility, are also nerfeddo you understand Blizzard, the paladin’s problem is the lack of mobility and survivability, until when are you going to understand it?

how about doing map updates/revamps/vehicle rebalancing where losing the first fight is not an auto loss. or how about finally dealing with premade queue sync exploiters so we might actually stick it out instead of getting farmed for gold and gear. making deserter account wide will just increase queue times while not even addressing why people afk out in the first place.

Hammer of Light bug : suffered double PVP modifie
Please check and fix it 

Hammer of Light bug : suffered double PVP modifie

But it’s not an auto-loss. It’s just not as easy of a win. Some just want that easy win handed to them though.

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Wow, Warriors got off pretty easy. That’s always good to see. :slight_smile:
That Disc nerf was well deserved too.

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