The change makes Human not a dead race for healers anymore, that’s all it is since they never changed the shared cooldown after the DF change to trinket cooldown for healers.
We really really need Renew to get buffed considerably in PvP combat as well as have the bug where Benediction is overwriting Empowered Renews fixed, it’s been this way since the rework was posted on PTR and hasn’t been fixed yet.
You remembered that Monk exists only to be nerfed, hahahahahahha!
So you’re further pushing elemental out of their spec mechanic? Overloads weren’t really the problem, the entirety of our power being in ascendance is the issue. You nerfed overloads before when ascendance was the issue and that’s what led to our non-ascendance damage being meh. I’d rather see ascendance nerfed and then damage buffed, that would give us more sustained damage. Nerfing overloads so our Ascendance isn’t as powerful is just makes no sense and makes the spec far less fun and unique.
Are you going to fix Primordial wave for elemental?
Are you giving us some defensive/survivability to replace Ancestral guidance? Unlike Enhancement we don’t get big instant heals, healing stream doesn’t heal remotely near enough to make up for the burst healing that AG provided. AG was of course removed due to Ascendance…almost like ascendance is a big balance issue or something.
Are you fixing the Ele 2pc combined with primal elementalist limiting us to 1 elemental being out so if you pop earth ele for the health and damage reduction we can’t spawn 2pc elementals.
Are you tweaking maelstrom generation so we aren’t maelstrom starved and can actually use some spenders?
Bursting is fun. It’s part of rogue identity plus, it’s kind of the only way to secure a kill against these healer comps as Sub. Other wise sub isn’t killing anything. Can’t wait to see how this ages.
One more time, please fix the bug with Benediction overwriting existing Empowered Renews so I can actually have a reason to use Renew for the first time in almost 10 years.
Ah. I might have read it the wrong way. Hopefully that’s the intended change not the overall trinket cd reduction.
Can this be addressed already please? The Shaman playerbase have provided plenty of great feedback highlighting how terrible this change is and begging Blizzard to revert it. However, not only has that entire feedback been ignored, but the spell has yet to be buffed to do the big damage as promised here.
Breaking the spell that nobody complained about and then leaving it in such a terrible state is really damn disappointing.
They honestly cant be serious with this one. Completely missing the mark on healers here. I was really hoping they would just bring other healers up to snuff. Everyone is playing disc because its the only viable healer (mitigation strong heals and damage) beside resto sham (questionable). I’m just done with the incompetency of these changes I feel like no one actually plays the game to test how every class is performing. Damage on a lot of specs is incredibly high and is unhealable damage. So screw the healer players right! That makes the game better. How many hunter tree redo’s do we need to have before we focus on something else that needs attention. Its really just a slap in the face playing this trash for so long. Pre-season was unplayable and you spent more time fidgeting with the bloody set bonuses then getting to the core of balance in PVP. You watched how strong priest was and chose to do nothing and saw how horrible the new Resto druid stuff is and chose to do nothing, Mwers somehow got on your bad side drowning them in mastery nerfs and other things to bring back crackle build just to nerf it further than where it started from. No idea where this goes from here I’ve been pessimistic about this season from the start and here comes everyone’s favorite Nzoth corruption powers back.
This is our IoC team (names randomized and blurred) after losing the first encounter. It stayed like this for the rest of the match. Tons of fun.
With que syncing and the extremely bad matchmaking in WOW…I would rather have a surrender option so we can move on.
Good lord, if you can’t handle sticking around and trying to fight back, maybe PvP isn’t your thing.
So you didnt get the point…got it
You’re asking for a new way to give up. No, I don’t get it. I don’t think that way.
With queue syncing, there is no fighting back. You get spawn-camped by players a billion times better than you because that’s how queue syncing works. Queue syncers use cheats to see how skilled the other team they’re about to queue into actually is, so they cancel their queue until they get a team that’s a cake-walk. They do this in non-rated content, too, unless there are stories of them doing this in rated… wew…
They’d rather we didn’t play warlock.
I personally say a little prayer it isn’t WG each time I Que EBG. Bring back being able to blacklist imo. This would filter out the people that just don’t want to be in that specific one, which is common.
Thanks Linxy.
It looks like Sub Rogue is moving toward more consistent damage in PVP. What about Outlaw though? Is that to be determined?
Every time a reality like this is mentioned, someone will parrot “there is no tax anymore.”
But that ignores the fact that if you don’t have a “tax”… then you have a subsidy.
Certain classes can’t have competitive DPS AND THEN ALSO have every piece of utility available to them. That should be OBVIOUS.
And yet… in both PvP and PvE… here we are.