PvP Class Tuning Incoming - March 11

Instead of nerfing disc, can you just buff all the other healers to fall in line with it? Disc is the only healer that feels good to play

Uhmā€¦ Is this a buff to the already OP class?
Or am I wrong, was the % higher before?

  • Retribution
    • Blade of Justice damage increased by 25% in PvP combat.
    • Final Verdict damage increased by 10% in PvP combat.
    • Judgment damage increased by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Expurgation damage increased by 40% in PvP combat.
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I thin I speak for all mw playing pvp here from a 3v3/soloq perspective. I donĀ“t really understand, with all due respect, how tuning is tested and implemented.

We had a pre-season nerf of 50% to jade empowement in pvp and 4% ALL HEALING nerf, without providing a chance to test in PTR. Yes. MW was doing good damage and healing, but by fear not compared to, for example, disci priest.

And now we see a nerf to conduitā€¦no one plays conduit in both brackets, a single monk.

The most unbalance you can see is that 60% healer representation is disc priest, and we have a NERF to a spec that no one plays?

I donĀ“t know really how this comment can be taken into consideration, but please study and do well your job, revert all nerfs to mw and maybe leave jade empowerment to a 20% nerf from 2500 (original buff in pre season).


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IoC: you lose first fight, itā€™s pretty much over since hangar is the only way to win since vehicles can be killed by HEALERS now. thatā€™s how weak they are. also, horde loses this one most of the time thanks to the nice 6 foot gap that any alliance CC can be placed to stop them in their place.

WG: if offense loses sr/doesnā€™t kill anyone itā€™s over since you canā€™t get rank to buy vehicles to stop the 12+ defense has. npcs/base cannons give next to no rank so itā€™s just a lame 15-20 min farmfest where offense has zero chance to come back from.

AV/ashran: the only decently designed maps where itā€™s not over after the first fight so you can win with backfills so iā€™ll give those two.

then you have the whole premade queue sync situation that is the main reason people quit in droves since you are not beating a stacked team filled with meta builds/10+ healers vs 1 who like to extend games and farm GYs. i canā€™t believe blizz lets communities farm pugs for easy gold and gear but here we are, years later with the same BS. shameful.

i am tired of EBGs being ignored and itā€™s time for some revamps to the maps AND the queue system imo.

simply slapping on an account wide deserter is just going to make more people not even bother and go do something else. no thanks.

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And those who donā€™t run away understand that possession of the hanger can change multiple times during a match if half the team doesnā€™t disappear.

Honestly, the amount of people making excuses for those who canā€™t play as a team for fifteen minutes explains alot about what is wrong with PvP these days. Spoiled kids who donā€™t want to work for anything running away at the first setback.

Last night we knocked down the gate with vehicles while the hanger kept flipping. It was the best IoC in ages.

so explain to me how an account wide deserter is going to help this. would you rather people just afk in a tower instead because thatā€™s all that will happen.

AFKā€™ers can be reported and actioned.

Rarely do I beat a ret. They have a ton of mobility, they hit like a truck and have invincibility and low cool downs for their massive burst. The only reason a ret looses is if they make a mistake, and for some dumb reason they can see stealthies. And yetā€¦Blizzard thinksā€¦Heyā€¦letā€™s boost their damage even more. Would really love the designers for these classes to come forward and explain the reasoning.

Disc is over tuned imo. You shouldnā€™t be able to press one button and negate 3 minutes of setup and strategic play.

No. This is a buff to premades and a nerf to non premades. You are trying to punish people for quitting unwinnable premades, instead of stopping queue synching to prevent unwinnable premades.

I donā€™t know where you came up with that, but if a retry is beating you, you are definitely very bad because the rogue is very broken, as for a retry that has everything, absolutely everything nerfed, to be beating you, I am truly surprised that rogues have the nerve to assert such things, when they are pampered by blizzard, do you realize the insane damage they do? You can kill someone in a stun but what the hell are you talking about rogue, it is nonsense and lies what you are saying, today the weakest melee class that does not do damage is the paladin retry, for some reason they are going to raise it this Tuesday and honestly, that buff is very short for everything I already mentioned and that it lacks, they are barely going to make it playable, that the paladin does damage my god, how shameless of you, itā€™s a joke right?

another one who is making up nonsense, man have you come to do arenas? or shuffle? the retry is super bad, it is weak they have mega nerfed it since the end of DF, but what the hell are you talking about, OP class? is it a joke? your class is overbuffed DH what the hell are you talking about, I dare say that you donā€™t even use the paladin, what happens is that since right now everyone kills them, thatā€™s why they donā€™t want it to shine and especially your woke class that everyone uses, your little meta class superbuffed since Legion, what the hell are you talking about, Iā€™m really surprised by the degree of ignorance there is, they nerfed it man, they took away its greatest damage generation in PvP by eliminating its judgment aura, which was the only talent that increased its dps somewhat, now it doesnā€™t hit at all, what they did to the retry was to send it to the grave, plus eliminating Judgment, thatā€™s another thing, they eliminated the damage that judgment had, understand crystal children, the paladin is right now in the worst place of the mele classes, Iā€™m surprised that you have the audacity to spit out that kind of things, when your class has absolutely everything that they have taken away from the paladin retry since WOTLK, you have your little Woke class, everything has different names but a lot of what you currently enjoy was originally from the Paladin, what an OP class, what are you telling me? Seriously, itā€™s cringe-inducing to see and read these kinds of comments from players who barely know WoW, gosh Blizzard, what toxicity have you generated with the class imbalance

This is for you Blizzard and Ion Hazzikostas, since you got your hands on WoW since the end of Legion, pvp and class identity was totally lost, I donā€™t know if he is the one who approves or sends the ideas to the developers who clearly do not play pvp, but I can tell you that right now it is an uncontrollable mix of borrowed powers, powers that do not match the class and that others had, insane damage in classes that do not even have to try hard just press a button and do oneshot like hunters, or overkill shamans, executions everywhere with just one skill by monks even if they are not dps, or dks, or priests, rogues evokers, or the insane damage that a mage can do and wipe out half the group, it is incredible that you give a monk the ability to attract as if he were a dk, despite the disgusting mobility they already have, you give them a type chain that attracts the enemy to give them death touch and kill them in one hit, really Blizzard is this your class philosophy that you boasted so much that would return? The class identity? understand the game is completely unbalanced and whoever approved the loss of class identity, killed WoW, this seems to end up like a disgusting League Of Legendsā€¦

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Most of the times itā€™s not a premade, itā€™s just being outplayed. ā€œPremadeā€ is just an excuse most times. If you canā€™t handle a loss, donā€™t play competitively. Do delves.