Pvp balancing for season 10-11 suggestion

add pvp trinket set bonus (for wearing 2 pvp trinkets) to +20% dmg to players, +20% dmg reduction to players in ranked arena/BGs. apply same effect to weapon.

this leaves pve untouched. introduction of op pve trinks/weps into ranked content drove many players away from the game.

UFC wouldn’t allow one the fighters to bring a metal baseball bat into the match would they?

pve players want ranked content? suggest M+ content to blizzardo


It’s a great suggestion and what mop / later expansion have done (including current retail) however some players will cry because they worked to get the bis pve trinkets and can’t use em. From a “best for the game” PvP stance however it’s a no brainer


A more elegant way of doing it would be to just grey out the active effects of dragon soul weps/trinkets and legendaries in arena. Keep the advantage from raw stats and it’s a middle ground everyone could be happy with.


My preference to this issue would be blizz puts a little work in and nerf’s the busted OP trinkets/weapons in pvp instances to bring them in line with the pvp trinkets. Similar to how they nerf spells on retail for pvp vs pve.

Either way though I’ll be using PVP items. I can’t be bothered to raid weekly outside of casual LFR for the weaker gear just to enjoy it.

Some of the PVE procs are “fun” in my opinion and them being nerf’d would NOT stop me from using them for that factor, especially in reg bg’s. Either way though I do agree something should be done so people don’t feel required to raid for pvp.

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I’d rather they keep retail ideas in retail. If you like those retail ideas, play retail.

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Yeah, despite offering a suggestion earlier, I think this needs to be left alone. We already know how much playing on the 4.3.4 patch is going to shift the early season metas, let the loonies who need daggers, staff, and vial to push titles have their try. The PVE gear also benefited 3DPS teams which were basically the RLS counter and I’d hate to see that not get played at all.

Cata is a bad time to be pearl clutching in this way lol, this heap was the starting point of most of the sucky retail ideas, particularly with GCD pacing and class design. Still better than retail but, this doesn’t have the unique feel of classic / tbc, nor is it peak class design aka Wrath.

Most of the good design has been gutted and replaced with instant cast heavy button mashy over-hybridized self healy max homogenization nonsense. I’ll take the less stinky of the two turds don’t get me wrong, but if they had like a wrath or bc arena server where I didn’t have to raid for PvP gear I’d be on it.

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break up benediction server and stop premades might be a good start. but that wont happen lol

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Retail… >>>>>> is that way.

It’s not pearl clutching. It’s about not wanting developers that have zero clue what they are doing screwing things up worse as they always do.


they already done this in the past and it was a success
pve has no space in pvp


peak class design was mop hands down
tbc and vanilla has its own taste but saying its peak is super bias
wrath was just outright bad

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I mean then break up feralina…

I didn’t see the appeal either for wrath pvp, but maybe we’re about to feel the same about cata, too many meta gamers just ruin the overall vibe on any decent pvp

Also yes please, anything to screw over PvP whale swipers.

The procs across difficulties is actually very comparable. The LFR items are perfectly viable upgrades to the pvp options in s11.

Please dear god NO! Leave that garbage in Retail. The PvP gear in Retail sucks for many reasons. This is one of them. All you are doing is removing player agency and making the gear boring.

This would cause most PvPers to quit.

Wrong. It hurts the game overall because now PvP players aren’t doing Heroics or Raids so it’s just less people playing. Separating PvE and PvP was a mistake, they never should of compartmentalized the game removing the MMO from it.

The game is better when you are doing ALL content and BiS PvP gear should come from ALL content. Maybe a Rep item, maybe a Raid trinket, maybe a Heroic weapon, maybe a crafted item etc.

Don’t ruin how fun Cata PvP is with the awesome gear Cata has. Sorry but PvP was better when PvE items are used. It just factually is. The game is better too. Keep the terrible PvP Retail idea in Retail where no one wants to play.

Cata PvP is great because of fun awesome PvE items.

Are you actually a warrior main? There is no way you believe that unless Wrath warr skillcap was just too intricate for you to figure out.

MoP turns Overpower into this spammy nonsense, it’s the beginning of the scripted PvP (major steroid cds across the board, doesn’t fully kick in until WoD with damage pacing though) and endless micro CC era (you can spec into Storm Bolt AND Shockwave in final MoP season).

The internal rotation / prio of warrior alone is just less clunky in wrath, without losing the fun and skillcap increase of stance dancing and managing rage. You actually have defensive utility in Wrath, Shield Block + Revenge is much more powerful and this allows you to strategically buy your healers drink windows against physical DPS teams while still pumping pressure.

yes, i am a warrior main
is pressing shield block every other dr when enemy team is setting you up that intrincate for you?
theres literally nothing special in what you said, a button pressed surrounded by momentum and nuance.
dont act like you are a special snowflake man, ive faced you many times now, specially that 2500 wls you played back in the day while every1 else was 2700
you are just a reg like every1 else here

Hence why I said I would prefer the pve items be nerf’d for pvp instances :slight_smile: that included procs and lfr procs.

Yeah, no. I don’t understand stand why people trust modern dev team to touch the game with a 10 foot pole.

They are incapable of creating anything of value. They are upset theyre relegated to upkeeping older devs better work. They take every single opportunity to put their spin on things. Even if the idea seems good on paper you can count on them breaking or imbalancing something at the same time.

They shouldn’t even have the jobs they have imo. I dont want them involved in anything related to pvp balance. Its the only thing i play the game for. I dont enjoy pve. Im fine doing a couple raid finders for 1-2 slots of gear over having them doing a DAMN thing to the game.