Pvp balancing for season 10-11 suggestion

Boy aren’t you a ray of sunshine lol.

Well then just enjoy the busted op pve trinkets/legendaries/weapons if you don’t want the current devs to touch anything. Have fun :slight_smile: And have a better day!

Cata/MoP is prime time peak for Warrior mains. With MoP being the undeniable best time.

If you poll a 1,000 War mains 99% of them will say Cata/MoP is the time to play Warrior with most of them saying MoP. Warrior started to come online in Cata with they design and in MoP it was the peak. If it wasn’t for some nerfs in Cata they would of had an amazing time.

TBC/Wrath war was just not really fun yet for most.

With that said NO terrible PvP balancing like the OP has suggesed it would kill PvP instantly.

You know that is why Cata PvP is better right? Attaining these chase item in a gear based game then owning it up in PvP. Sorry but PvP has always been better when some crazy PvE items are BiS. It creates interesting Metas, builds, comps. It’s just flat out better PvP and insanely fun.

Retail PvP gear is boring and not worth playing. There are no interesting items to use so why bother? Please leave that garbage in Retail please and thanks. Blizz biggest mistake was separating PvE and PvP. BiS PvP items should come from everywhere. Raids, Heroics, Rep all over.

People love Cata PvP and are excited to play it for a reason. Changing that would kill it.

Good idea, but they wont listen to it as ALWAYS!

I ran WLS to 2650 with various teammates usually within 2 sittings of play (70-80% winrate per climb) and then usually team would die to inactivity on my server despite playing on Kollektiv’s BG (all the shamans were raid nuts for some reason and never had time to queue after initial climb, happened a few times). Dunno what you mean. My WLD in Cataclysm was literally R1 WLD in all of NA, bad comp albeit due to druid weakness.

Went 3-1 with Vanguards Mes Sodah with a worse comp on cata TR (ret war priest) since you’re so concerned about my skill. Farmed the ESL winning beastcleave on wrath TR, I’ve done plenty.

No, thanks for making my sarcastic point about your capabilities. Having the ability to manage defensive and offensive play together is 100% an increase in skillcap from what warrior is capable of is Cata, so is managing Overpowers in a way that lends to use of UA. The main point is that these are the “good” kind of increase where there is a gameplay function involved which is fun, not the “bad” kind like you see on retail where it’s only down to speed of play and min / maxing your mythic raid boss DPS in an arena (BORING). Only managing RNG procs etc.

I get it, Cata warrior is easier and more button mashy, you like that, whatever. I was better in Cata than in wrath because the skillcap was lower, easy math.

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bla bla bla
just trying to look cool with super trivial mechanics from 20 years ago

Nah just a multi-millionaire who enjoys fun and would work for a game dev. for $10K a year because creating well thought out design is FUN, sitting here wasting time arguing with a nhilistic weirdo who hates their life on a forum.

There is a reason most of the old guard designers starting quitting Blizzard during WotLK, they over hired and couldn’t get their ideas to stick to the new crowd when developing Cata.

amazing story

Pearls before swine, Cy@ nerd.

:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: xoxo millionaire

point of the post topic is lost

Wait til they find out about the feral meta… Lol.

I wish there was a CC trinket that didn’t work in arena, but had like 10 charges. It would DR the player instead of the CC, meaning you could break multiple CCs if they came from different players.

The CC crap in BGs is lame af.

Blizz should just remove racials from arenas tbh

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everybody already did 10 years ago??

Clearly they forgot.

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