PvP balance

PvP in this game is horrible.
Let’s balance it since Blizzard doesn’t know how to do it.

All CCs, stuns, fears, interrupts, etc, need to be reduced in PvP. Keep them the same for PvE that they are currently at now.

All stuns should max last 2 seconds in PvP. Rogue stuns, after 2 seconds should reduce their damage by 3% each second after 2 seconds of a stun. ( I have a rogue and I agree to this).

Hunters mark should last only 1 minute, not 2 minutes in PvP. Hunters traps should max last 12 seconds not 24 seconds or whatever it is now.

Fear from locks, priests, and warriors should only last 3 seconds in PvP.

Silence/interrupts should last 2 seconds max in PvP.

Healers should have their cast time for heals reduced to 0.5 second cast time in PvP. I can hardly get any heals off because of the cast time, interrupts, cc and the amount of burst being thrown out there.

PvP isn’t PvP if 1 player can’t react or play against the other player because they end up getting stunned locked or something similar. Real PvP is when BOTH players or more can actually interact and play fairly against one another.

Reduce damage/crit chance in PvP by 20% in battlegrounds.

Reduce healing in PvP by 10% in battlegrounds.

If you don’t want to reduce the time on all CC/Interrupts in pvp then healers should have instant cast heals in pvp or have an aura that reduces all damage taken by 25-50% while in PvP after or during being CCed/Interrupted. If people don’t like that option for people then make the PvP trinket a 30-second cooldown, so it gives players a semi-fair chance to survive and play in PvP.

The fact I can take tons of damage while being stuck in fear or a 5-second stun is just ridiculous and ruins the gameplay for me. It simply pisses me off and makes me not want to PvP. The ways I listed above would solve these issues in PvP.

It’s not hard to balance PvP. The game has been out for over 20 years. Blizzard do your job. I already know tons of people will disagree with me on this. This just proves my point that people don’t want the game to be fair balanced or fun for everyone. It also proves people are selfish and ignorant. I know for a fact that some of these changes would solve many PvP issues.


Pretty sure that’s not how it works, snowflake.


How does that make me a snowflake? lol, you are a dumb kid.

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All they have to do to fixx cc spam is make all hard cc share 1 DR

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They just need to use TBC prepatch for balance. It introduces DRs, 2 min cd pvp trinket, limited - but guaranteed cc durations… it’s a much better system.

This is dumb. Rogues would just go sicko mode with burst instead of stunning at all. We just need some actual pvp gear with actual PvP stats like resil so people don’t die as quickly.

Sounds like you just want zug fests, which, fair if that’s what you’re after.

or just add resilience.

They’d still die to rogues in that time, just fyi.

The problem is the amount of damage being done currently… although some of the CC durations in vanilla can be absolutely ludicrous for sure.

when you aren’t in charge of doing so.*

Na, it’s more that you’re suggestions are just bad, although it is true people don’t want to game to be perfectly balanced, because perfect balance is every class having one ability, that does the same damage in exactly the same way. AKA it’s boring.

The approach to deal with some of these issues would be to look what WoW did as PvP progressed throughout each expansion. IE resilience on gear. Diminishing returns. For the rogue issue if they really needed to they could put cheap shot and kidney shot on the same diminishing return. Open up a rune slot for healers that gives them a 5 second or so silence immune, and/or an interrupt reduction, etc.

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Okay, you pretty much suggested what I suggested just worded differently. Many things I listed were correct and are the proper way to do it. I know this for a fact. I’ve played since 2004. All CC durations of all forms need to be reduced, period, no ifs or buts. That’s why I think rogue’s damage should be reduced with their stun time, so they can’t just stunlock someone and kill them. Zug fests? Make that make sense. No, I want it to be fair for both players. PvP isn’t PvP if 1 player can’t do anything, that is a fact. No need for resilience with an easy reduction of damage/heals in PvP, which I suggested above. 2mind CD for PVP is dog$%$%, it needs to have a 30-second cooldown or make players immune to CC/Interrupts after being CCed/Interrupted for 10 seconds, so that gives players time to respond and to survive. I could keep going but I don’t feel like arguing with you or anyone else on here. So, I’m just stepping back and letting the negative comments shine. Peace.


I agree with a shaman player… crazy day

I didn’t suggest every cc be dropped down to 2-3 seconds. Your suggestions were based more off of cutting abilities down, rather than just boosting life / toughness of people.

If you’ve played since then, then you’d know what worked as WoW evolved in all its different iterations. Playing the game for a long time doesn’t magically make you a pvp expert though.

Or they could convert stun resist / fear resist / silence resist, etc, to duration reduction instead, and open up PvP runes for that type of specific purpose. Could also have a rune in the same slot that reduces x amount of damage while stunned / controlled.

Rogues are incredibly squishy. Stuns are basically their defensives. While I don’t think they should be able to stun lock someone into oblivion, I don’t think the way to do it is to reduce it to stuns being meaningless, and/or destroying the rogue’s output.

A WoW with no CC’s is a WoW where everyone just presses the damage gas pedal as fast as possible without exception.

It explicitly isn’t a fact. PvP doesn’t mean balanced. You can shank a lowbie and that’s still technically PvP. It isn’t rewarded, nor fair, but you can definitely do it. 1v1 balance is never an actual thing in any iteration of the game.

Except you suggested that in bgs only, which doesn’t address the issue fully. You also fail to take into account that there’s already a 30%-40% damage reduction on classes already, so it isn’t like you’re suggesting something new, you’re literally just suggesting something that’s already in the game, and doesn’t help enough.

Resilience would give a reason to actually wear PvP gear, which currently serves little to no purpose. It would allow for the classic choice of, glass cannon, vs bulky tank, which this iteration of the game currently lacks outside of rolling a literal tank class.

Ah yes, the universal cooldown for trinket, that’s existed for as long as WoW has existed, should be reduced to 1/4th the cd and buffed. I wouldn’t mind a living action potion effect applied to it for a brief time upon using it though, that’s actually not a bad idea.

stuns really? Here is how you beat a rogue stun. press your LAP button and DoT the rogue. congratulation you have broken the stun and are immune to it for another 5 seconds. with the dot on the rogue 90% of his/her kit is disabled and you still have a trinket up. congratulations you are now at advantage in the fight.

and before you ask classic pvp is balanced around having access to consumables. that’s why for example engineering has been the traditional pvp profession. it’s the same way im going to use restorative potions, flasks, Band-Aids and bombs. If you walk into a pvp encounter ill prepared you deserve to lose especially in the case of a bg.


While I don’t like the consumes meta, it definitely is the meta, and I definitely have some on my chars for the occasional rainy day.

If you instantly lose just because of 1 lip and dot you are a trash rogue straight facts lol

It’s more Faerie Fire that puts you in this position than dots, since you can still vanish with dots and get a blind / sap / cheap shot / kidney off. FF puts you in the awkward situation of no longer being able to lock down the target even if you blind em.

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2 minute trinket would go a long way to helping, i’m surprised they didn’t put it in at either rank 9 or 11


no, reread sir and/or madam. i said prevents the stunlock and puts you at advantage. no where did i say it instantly kills the rogue. i agree if a rogue falls to just that they are indeed trash as there are potential responses. but, the point is the OP doesnt know how to PvP within the classic frame work…as in if you are dying in a rogue stunlock you are also garbage. So i educated them on A) how to universally counter the situation in question and B) the nature of the classic meta balance.

It doesn’t though. Blind or imp gouge, stealth or vanish, sap, reopen.

Both LIPS and FAPS are easy enough to disarm in a 1v1 since blind and sap are not stuns, just to have to worry about if they have their trinket up at that point, and even then imp gouge can get you a restealth if they trinket a blind.

#1 blind and gouge are not stuns nor are they particularly a lock.

#2) OP is complaining about specifically the stunlock and not being able to do anything in response. they also still technically have a trinket up and gouge has an energy component that on its own (ignoring thistle tea, backstab trinket etc) is a burst loss. class specific counters exist to prevent these and prep/stealth + sap combo (FF, dots, hunters mark, disarm, generic CC, etc). Its pvp your opponent isnt going to stand their like a target dummy. counter play exists to everything a rogue can do if the opponent has some form of brain in their head…which is both fine and welcoming. they arent even really the best 1v1 class in the classic frame work or the SoD specific metas. i didnt go furtherer into a hypothical fight because a) its more class specific and b) the chaotic nature of pvp changes dynamics post opener.

yes, rogue has strong control in 1v1 pvp, because it sacrifices traditional survivability and is cooldown dependent. you bait, counter, and outlast that control and you win.

Didnt wanna read your entire post BUT all you had to say was nerf pallys boomys hunters and shammys. PvP fixed

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Exactly, they are not stuns, meaning you can get rid of the FAP or LIP wit them, and then restealth and reopen with stuns after those potions have faded.

Yep, and I’m saying that after someone Lips or faps, you can directly remove them from being able to do anything immediately after doing so unless they have trinket ready.

Yep, but most people will flinch react and trinket blind, and then you could gouge / sap assuming gouge doesnt resist.

That’s a fair point. Just saying there are pretty easy methods to potentially counter consumes.

Gouge isn’t a burst loss if you’re using it to reset, as you’re getting an entire new stun cycle in off of it.

Most of those classes you just ignore, or know how to counter their counters.

Restorative potion works on most of those things. Hunter’s mark you can vanish off.

Immune if you have t2 gloves.

Good rogues generally make it feel like this.

They’re pretttty up there. I do think there’s other things that surpass them, but they’re always a threat.

Isn’t really even cd dependent should you be ready with improved gouge, and actually have it land. That’s the cost of the gouge strat though, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

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Shamans are crap right now. Saying otherwise proves your lack of intelligence. All classes just to be reworked, which is not hard at all. All CCs, interrupts, and anything at all that can screw a player over needs to be removed from the game or reduced by half in PvP. For example, blind should last a maximum of 4 or 5 seconds, not 9 seconds. Fear and stuns should max last 2 or 3 seconds in PvP. Pretty all ccs and interrupts and anything similar needs to be reduced for PvP. They take the skill away from PvP when you need to stun or fear or interrupt or whatever. I always face rogues, and they are such a nonskilled class it’s pathetic. Stun lock = noob and = you are bad at this game. If you need to stunlock someone to beat them, you are crap, and useless. Quit the game. I can’t stand anyone who defends it either.

I play horde, I only added shammys because there is much cry about them. Also, the good ones usually destroy BGs.

Thanks for your opinion though. Only read your first sentence.