No sir, I am speaking from a logical point of view. Boomkin does not need a nerf but all the trash can pvp’rs are screaming about it.
Whats next? Rogue nerfs? Hunter nerfs? Priest?
The thing is no matter what they do people are going to cry because they’re bad at pvp. Things get waaaay over nerfed that only needs slight tuning because of the boo hoo crowd of rando bg heros.
My actual main is an ally rogue. I have a Horde rogue but I refuse to raid anymore with how bad pvp gearing went.
As a Paladin player they should remove the immunity bubble and put Malleable Protection in her place, then they can also make seals 30 mins and increase all the buffs timers like wisdom,might and horn
Frezied regen should be bear only. Using an improved tank CD while you blast from 40 yards with free stuns. The mana cost isnt a real downside.
This is better than dispersion.