PvP Alive and well!

Thank you Alliance for participating in & unwittingly contributing towards my (and guilds) easy honor grind over Thanksgiving weekend.

Farming you has been an absolute pleasure, and I (along with several others) look forward to continuiously keeping you on edge and looking over your shoulders…

  • Kidsmeallll!!!

PS: Is the faction unbalance so off keel that it’s necessary to camp for honor?

Oh the dead warlock and mage outside of Chillwind. Thanks for the honor!

Ayy, thanks for the free honor on the boat the other day. :slight_smile:

I loved ganking the new transfer refugees in Felwood and Un’goro today!

A lot of the alliance camp for sure. Horde probably do it too but I don’t usually do it so who knows.

I feel like the camping goes both ways, mainly the stealth groups for Horde side do the camping though. Not sure what the Alliance have been doing because I try to avoid ten randoms hitting my honor.

I know with our group, we try to eat/drink off of the Horde bodies if possible. I think some of it is bad timing though; the amount of time it takes to run back vs our rotation through a zone and vice versa. If we don’t find anyone to fight, we may end up running back into that group we killed a couple minutes ago. If we end up killing that same group again because of that we move zones. Need those fresh bodies.

Yeah, the camping doesn’t seem to be as rampant as some make it out to be. Majority of Horde groups I’ve been run over by left. Friend thought one was camping, but clearly was drinking so had to tell him to hold off.

And before being removed from Discord I heard many Horde state they didn’t camp. The only campers I see are at flight points like Chillwind and Lights Hope.

Why did you get removed from the Discord? :frowning:

A Loot Goblin got upset. /shrug No skin off my back. LG seems to be a guild of trolls either way, but that’s the norm with streamer guilds in my experience.

Btw looking at making a Druid Discord server for EF druids. I had looked into making one back in May before picking Herod and found the Classic Druid server that Taladril made. Thought one for EF would be chill since most druids seem fairly laid back and willing to chat. Always good to help new druids no matter the faction too

I lol’d


It was funny. It’s a fight we should have won as I failed to target the shaman and got a few sips in behind a tree. The shaman drank by my corpse leading my friend to think he was camping, but ran off as soon as full mana.

Honestly, rogues tend to camp if anyone camps in my experience.

I’ll join your Druid discord Alsoria. By the way, I still don’t go after druids for the most part, especially by myself. It hurts my honor but I’m not at the top so it doesn’t matter.

Awesome! I don’t go after druids unless they go after me or are healing the person I attack. Mostly emote wave in Moonglade or emote dance. I’m almost done setting up the server. I’ll get to you somehow. I have a few accounts.

Sorry Moo, not to stir the pot but they do. More times than i can count.

I have a handful of names im still looking for to return the favor.

Sadly, people forget the old saying of “what comes around goes around”.

So true. It is ok though. I have a long memory and a longer vindictive streak. I will remind them soon enough. Also I wont need a 5v1 to do it.

Symmetric, yea man, that was a lot of fun. At least up until you guys flew in deeper than the Battle of 5 Armies to deal with 5-6 people. It ceased being fun at that point.

Alas, there will always be another day! Good hunting!

Bro, the Alliance are like cockroaches. We go to help a guild mate and all of the sudden there is twenty people with us. A buddy and I were in a 2v2 in the middle of no where in EPL and seven alliance showed up. I don’t get it and honestly kills WPvP for me. One more week and WPvP should be a bit more organic, hopefully.

During the evening in WPL/EPL that’s how it feels like with Horde. Can’t count the number of times I’ve been 1v1 that ended up 1v4 or 1v5 with a rando Horde group rolling through. Will enjoy the more organic and less chaotic pvp in a week or so. Hopefully.

We actually had some decent pvp last night at LHC. It was filled with alliance but my group of 4 horde kept fighting them and they went away eventually. It was fun.

Got my questline up to Battle of Darrowshire and cried last night. Starting that will be like signaling all out wpvp, but I want that Ring of Protection!

Only had one group roll me and that was running to LHC from Darrowshire. However, had the typical rogue gank while I’m 75% on a quest mob. Just had to laugh and go on.