PvP Alive and well!

2 tips,
1 stay near the well.
2 don’t attack the horde unless you see more than 4 or the come down the hill during the quest. (assuming you stayed by the well)

Chances are they are just looking to talk to the dude to hand in after it is completed too.

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Dude, so is Horde, they love to appear out of thin air and snipe honor away from straight up 1v1s or even matches comprised of 3v3. If I see a 1v1 I’ll let it play out the way it is meant to (horde gets mad when I let them die lol). I personally prefer running around the world looking for PvP solo, or in a small party of 2-3, yet whenever myself or a small group go anywhere our fellow Horde ratchet straps themselves to me (us).

I’m looking forward to BGs so as to, like you said, generate more organic world PvP situations. We’ll see what goes…

I wish BGs would stay between servers, but it seems we’re getting cross-realm. That said, I hope the Alliance if Earthfury destroys Horde from every server other than our own lol.


Still need to know why the name Kidsmeal!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you see me farming feel free to get your piece just don’t camp lol.

My very first character ever was named Happymeal and my first alt was a spin-off, Kidsmeal. Sadly, when reserving names Happymeal was already taken, so I defaulted to my back up.

Plus, I wasn’t sure if people I played with way back then ould play again, and in th rare event we magically elected the same server/faction, I wanted to be swiftly identifiable. Lol


I don’t attack you when i see you in the open world Moo.
I enjoy reading your posts.

Then again, I’m awful at PvP so that’s probably a better reason not to attack you.

You’re welcome, Symmetric! :wink:

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Was fun brotha! Just was trying to help my buddy level and ended up leaving Un’Goro with almost 4k honor earned from all the duos trying to gank us.

Same, my friend. Was with my buddy Noobilus whom has more experience doing everythign in the game but PVP lol. Good times, I am happy you were able to farm some honor off of us =)