Pve to Pvp xfers

I read statements like this, look at the inferno in the retail forums because they made swapping conduits mildly inconvenient, and imagine a Blizzard dev cackling through a veil of tears.

There are limits to what you can transfer with IIRC to help mitigate economic impacts.

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As someone leveling on a PvE server currently. I must still say no to the PvE to PvP transfer because the difference in leveling in them. I would have gone PvP on this one but my friends had already went PvE so stayed that way.

There is only one condition I could REASONABLY agree with a PvE to PvP transfer. It would require you to level from 1 to max level on the same race and class that you want to transfer, then when you hit that and apply for it, you can THEN clone your reputation and other such stuff over with you. That way you still had to go through all the same stuff as everyone else leveling did.

Why would anyone want to transfer from pve to pvp for tbc?

I think TBC was the best time in wow, but even I can see and admit that pvp servers are going to be a stupid nightmare in tbc without major changes.

The faction balance will seriously be 99/1 horde/alliance. It’s a serious, serious problem.

Does anyone else think its funny they want to LEAVE a PVE server to GO to a PVP server for PVE. i laughed. enjoy your pve realms LOL

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Honestly I think they should remove the restriction who cares if you leveled on a PVE or PVP server, it takes a fraction of the amount of time you will play your character over the course of the game.

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Imagine wanting to play with good guilds

Your only level 10. Before investing your time leveling to 60 on a pve server, pick a lovely pvp Server and grind away!

This is all well and good until blizz opens your server to transfers and murders any sense of balance.

Its not just about leveling. Getting pre-bis or raiding during P2 often took an hour lead time to get through the blockade of multi-boxers and honor farmers at BRM. Doing Visc and need to get sacks into the raid? Good luck if the other faction is camped outside. We had our entire AQ delayed by about 30 minutes a couple weeks ago because a multiboxer decided to camp one of our tanks outside.

There’s no point where you can say, “ok, you did your time,” with a PVP server. From getting buffs to farming to raiding to just landing in BB, it impacts every. single. thing. you. do. If you want to play on a PVP server the option is there. You start at level 1 with zero resources and level up the same way everyone else did. If you don’t want to go through that… sorry… :man_shrugging: enjoy your time on your PVE server.


Someone leveling now wouldn’t have to deal with any of those things either.

Someone who xfers to a PVP server right now will have to deal with those things just like the rest of us.

I still don’t really see a reason other than people playing on a PVP server trying to put up a facade that is some elite hardcore right of passage to level here, when its not. Esp with the boost meta.

Sure they would… World PVP is still a thing.

Yea, and you’d get to skip some or several steps. You Xfer in with most of your raid gear and a ton of gold/resources and you can just start raid-logging, or just not raid and run around griefing people with your newly xferred character. Either way, you did less work to get where you are, so you don’t get to be in the same pool.

This is pretty basic stuff kids. Not sure why you’re not getting it.


…that can be solved by just eliminating PvP servers.

This. I don’t play PvP servers, because I don’t want to deal with that mess. But I know I would be pissed as hell if people came in and skipped all that while I had to suffer through it.

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