Put. The Silver Dragon. Back

Maybe people who have black and white TVs could not tell the difference between rare and rare-elite.


I don’t use addons that change the unit frames and I still haven’t noticed the dragon art for years. It’s one of those things that just faded into the background.

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im unsubbing if they dont put them back


Well this escalated into crud real quick…


I hope it’s an optional change that comes as a setting in their new user interface.

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I think there’s probably better ways to demonstrate that something is rare. with the newer border on player frames we can expect newer borders on target frames. The silver and gold dragons were over the top in 2004 and 18 years later they’re incredibly dated, it’s like looking at Windows 3.11.

Get rid of the dragons, make something better and more sleek. If people need nostalgia they can play classic or use an addon.



Silver dragon portraits made sense back in the day but now everyone just uses an addon, nukes the mob down and moves on. It doesn’t really matter.

Mans just really wrote an epic over two sentences

I miss hims already

The silver dragon is an iconic symbol for Rare Spawns, so iconic that there’s literally a popular rarescanner addon named after it.

I’d hate to see it go away. It’s just not right. That new icon at the bottom does not scream “rare” or “danger” to me. Just looks like a boss skull, not special at all.

Bring back silver dragon, he did nothing wrong, he taught us all to not f* with hims or we died, his brother Golden dragon misses him, we all miss him


When four paragraphs, each no more than a sentence, counts as “epic” …

There is a world beyond Twitter. Try it, sometime.

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You really don’t know what hyperbole is? Unforch

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Please bring back the silver dragon border (for rare monsters).




Blizzard, I get wanting to make a “fresh look” but honestly, the dragon borders are literally iconic. Don’t remove them for the sake of removing them. I’d wager very few actually like the change. =/


This argument/observation has never made sense.
Anytime something is changed, instead of asking why, we’re told not to ask questions and put energy into “such a small thing”.

Yet if it’s so small, why was it changed in the first place?
It’s just always very interesting that it’s a “small thing” when convenient.
Not directed at you in particular, but that phrasing is such a crutch used around here a lot.


to give you my perspective on the matter, its just in the context of how much is changing in Dragonflight. I mean fel the UI itself is getting an overhaul, so in the grand scheme of things the silver dragon ring is small potatoes in my opinion.

but hey thats just me.

No they don’t, and that’s a ridiculous stance to take, that the makers of the game shouldn’t care about their UI at all “cause everyone totally uses Addons that completely change everything.”


i like the silver and gold dragon, much cooler than tiny skull


Why. Just why.

There’s no reason. I mean what’s to gain? Literally just…

Blizzard: “Yes, we’re making changes so extravagant that we completely removed something everyone was fine with for over 6 years and was only ever a benefit. Get on our level FF14.”

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