Put Slime Cat in LFR to screw over boosters

it wont happen, period. you’re grasping at any straw that you can and creating wild fantasies without any basis in reality because you just want the cat to be from lfr.

it wont persaude others, sorry to say flower.

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I don’t even want the cat mount, I just hate boosting and the boosting community and want it to be out of WoW like FFXIV does.

yeah yeah sure you dont :roll_eyes:

if you hate boosting so much, you should post changes that would actually affect it… and not changes that just fit your personal goal of getting the cat from lfr lol. :rofl:

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There will definitely be real money trading hands on this. Blizzard will sell lots of gold. Hardly any of the people who think it would be great for casuals they don’t know to find free friendship carries would dream of helping anyone outside of their small circle of friends.


Nope, I already have the Sunwarmed Furline, I don’t care about the Slimesaber. I would have cared if it was an actual goo kitty though.

I just hate boosting, and a good change to screw over boosters would be to 1. Put slime cat in LFR 2. Make boosting a bannable offense. Even if they don’t put slime cat in LFR I still think they should make boosting a bannable offense.

Only people making money from boosting is Blizzard.

But… but, casuals don’t increase WoW token sales, pulling this surprise switcheroo with the slimecat does

Surprise surprise, they went with $$$/catering to boosters over the average lowly casual that queues LFR :astonished:

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Unfortunately there is a whole community making money from boosting and they come to these forums to oppose any possible changes that would cut into their profits.


I honestly don’t care if LFR gets a mount or not. I do find it hilarious how many posters are acting like children pitching a fit because they didn’t get their cookie.

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What would it harm to have a different color for each raid?
The only logical answer is, this is to sell more tokens.
Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.


This is actually a good idea because now you have four mounts instead of one. But I have no doubt that there would still be players complaining because the one for LFR doesn’t look as good as the one for mythic and how dare they have to run harder raids for the best mount. That’s how petty and childish this all is.

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All for a mount they’ll end up not using because it can’t fly and more importantly, can’t gather herbs. Sky Golem what?


Good point. I’m no collector but I still managed to have 100 mounts, only a few of which I use or actually tried to collect. It’s not like classic where mounts are more rare and having one is an actual achievement.

I have 432 unique mounts, and 383 usable on a single character. The only reason I will get that cat is for the +1 to the counter.

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??? I get my friends the aotc mount when they are a thing so stating nobody would do this is a stretch at best.

I like your methods of madness; I agree end the fighting this way.

It’s not an either or issue.
Boosting is kinda scummy and buying a boost is dumb iMO.
Why pay someone to play for you.
It’s just never made sense to me.
I’m against both sides of the coin.


LFR can have this:

The rest of ya’ll can have the other one.

Yours can fly, while LFR’s is too fat too fly. Totally cool with that.


Didn’t something similar happen with the moose mount in WoD and then the purple arcane bird mount in Legion? I remember carries being sold to get those before the pre-patches dropped as well, and some community groups that organized free carries to get people them too.

Either way, Blizzard’s not getting rid of, or even damaging, boosting if they can help it. You only need to look at Diablo Immortal to understand where game design’s eventually going to go. Appeasing a smaller portion of the playerbase while making as much if not more money than otherwise is a no-brainer for big gaming companies.


I’ve bought one carry run when the moose mount was going to be unobtainable on mythic raid level and I just was in no way ever going to be able to get to that point gear wise so it was a last minute thing. I liked it because it got me the moose, and I thought it was sort of lame because I died off in a corner and did nothing :sweat_smile:

Carries have been a thing for lots of guilds and players for a long time. They usually charged a hefty sum of gold so that it really wasn’t something that as many people are doing now because tokens are available. I don’t care how people spend their money but it’s because so many are doing it now, it’s in high demand. More people found an easy way to get stuff.

That isn’t the people who carry’s faults…

I think it is horribly scummy to charge real money for runs. Like the ones we see posted in dungeon finder sometime that takes you to some odd website. Those should be banned for sure.

Otherwise it’s just players being lazy in most cases. I was lazy when I got the moose mount. But especially for a normal run. I haven’t been in a raid for a long while, but the last time I did a normal it had as many mechanics to learn as mythic dungeons do now. Has it changed?

I honestly see the decision to not have a mount drop in LFR as a motivator to try normal. Something to encourage players to try it. Nothing else.