Put Slime Cat in LFR to screw over boosters

Blizzard and boosters have a parasitic symbiotic relationship… This will not change.

Yeah, carries have been a thing forever, but I do think there was something of a shift when Blizzard made it so you could use tokens to add to your Blizzard balance instead of just pay for your sub. This also made the price of tokens skyrocket and in turn made it harder for players to earn gold to pay for their sub.

Combine this with them nerfing many of the in-game avenues to make a lot of gold (some nerfs were to counter bots, to be fair) and something that’s always existed becomes that much more… well, monetized.

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People would just buy gold from third party sites like they did in the past. Which always ran the risk of getting your account hacked or banned.

The only thing keeping that mount out of LFR is their not so secret LOVE of boosters.

Boosters = token sales = more $$$ for Blizzard.

That’s what people need to realize. Blizzard doesn’t love the gamers. Blizzard loves the WALLETS attached to the gamers.

No, they don’t care, because for the last three months the achievement has said “any difficulty” and nobody said a word.

They’re just being contrary and/or enjoying kicking people when they’re down. That’s it.

Why else would there be a brand new chat channel for boosters to sell their wares? Blizzard knew that with the upcoming cat sales Trade Chat wasn’t going to be able to handle all that traffic.


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