Put OCE next to OCE players names please Blizzard

I’ve joined a few groups where the person didn’t put OCE in their title and I had to leave the group due to horrendous latency issues. I live in South Florida and when I play with OCE players their abilities spike my MS. I unknowingly joined an OCE guild prog for mythic Larodar and my ping went from 200 ms in their group to 2600 once they pulled the boss and I couldn’t move my character at all or see any of my spells registering. Nothing is wrong with my connection, I tested my connection while I was waiting for the server to catch back up and my download speed was over 800 and my upload was over 50. I had no packet loss and no interruption to my connection at all. It only affects my latency within WoW and when I’m playing with OCE players. I’ve had to leave countless mythic+ dungeons because they didn’t put OCE in their title and I didn’t see my ping go up until they started the dungeon. Just put an OCE tag next to their names so I can avoid them please.


If you getting 2600 ping man something wrong.

Maybe you can get some addon that has regional stuff?

I usually put OCE in title, but I think if ppl dun have authenticator they cannot


I have an addon that shows me the language and region of each player, so that comes in handy a lot. “Oceanic English”? Good thing my computer is decent and won’t run into any latency issues. “Portuguese Brazil”? Instant leave/decline.

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Oh god what is the addon name, some servers id love to avoid, not for latency.


I find it hilarious how often people think playing with Oceanic people is unplayable/impossible, yet Aussies managed it as their baseline for many many years doing all forms of raiding and PvP :slightly_smiling_face:

Having said that, i wouldn’t be opposed to the OP’s suggestion, the thing is though, for a lot of US night owls, Oceanic peeps are really the only other people around, so trying to do anything without us could be challenging.


It is something on ur end. I am a OCE player playing on tich and get 200ms MAX.

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Like with most issues with wow, there’s an addon for that. Download the group flag addon. It will display flag next to everyone in the group finder for their region. Want to avoid OCE, NA, SA etc? No problem.

That being said, if you’re getting unplayable latency by joining an OCE shard, then your ISP is garbage. I play on NA from OCE and never have issues 95% of the time.


I have a stable of characters on NA and OCE servers that I play daily. I’ve never had latency issues like that. if you’re getting ping in the quadruple digits, something else is going on on your end. Get off dial-up and stop playing on a potato

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I’m from Sydney. I have 150ms playing on Whitemane on US West for Wrath Classic. I have 200ms for Thrall on retail. Guess what, I can cope with high latency, as us Aussies have dealt with High Latency for years, long before our servers were officially hosted here in Sydney in 2014. And even then, since there is Australians that play on the US Servers.

I don’t oppose the idea, but honestly, if you’re getting 2500ms, then that sounds like an issue on your end, not Blizzard’s.


If it bothers you that much, you could just look up a list of OCE servers and pay attention to the leader’s when you’re applying for groups. It’s not like it’s a secret.

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What’s the addon my guy

I can play anywhere with no issues. I’m not from Australia or NZ area. 200-250ms is normal for me.

You can get used to more latency and can adjust. But if you only get it once in a while it is harder. Don’t understand why people can’t understand that difference.

2600 world latency is a Blizzard problem. You should be experiencing no more than 200-300 in a group with OCE players.

Well that’s (a) an exaggeration, (b) not the fault of joining an Oceanic group or (c) a fib.

If it were true, then every time we on Oceanic joined a group based where you are, we’d have the same ping - and guess what, we don’t.

The Oceanic server is located in Sydney, Australia. The vast majority of players on Oceanic realms are Australians or New Zealanders. We speak English. Just for your info.

Pay attention to the lead name/realm? Unless I am mistaken there are only 12 Oceanic realms.

I’m in NA and I have a character on an Oceanic realm, max latency for me is 200-250, usually hovers around 215 even in raids. Never had an issue.

Yep, it’s noticeable compared to the 12ms I get normally…but it’s nowhere NEAR the 2600 the OP is claiming. I have a friend in Perth that I play with sometimes, so I am familiar with Oceanic latency from the US. It’s not that bad.

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The heck? What do you think we speak? Penguin?

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Or you can just look up OCE servers and then look at persons server, insta fix