Over the last expansion, the use of external applications to coordinate several accounts (multi-boxing) has proliferated. In a normal case, a multi boxer will identify an area where MOB’s spawn as quickly as possible to maximize the return on their time. Unfortunately, the areas where this occurs most often is in levelling areas. As servers continue to consolidate, the concentration of multi-boxers in these levelling areas is going to increase to the point where it may halt the levelling of other players.
When an MB’er is in an area and impacting other’s ability to play (especially if levelling), there is normally no recourse other than to complain and then wait an hour or more for a response. Instead, if Blizzard is going to allow multiboxers, why not give other players a fair chance to stop their behavior themselves, and put all multiboxers into warmode against both factions?
If Blizzard refuses to police the behavior of players who conduct this activity and prevents other players from levelling, then Blizzard should give players the ability to fix the issue themselves.
As someone that likes to MB. SURE! you can put me automatically into WM with a stipulation.
Since I don’t PVP, YOU will be my PVP champion and keep me safe from those that do like to PVP.
Ya know, you guys talk and talk about how horrible boxers are to deal with. In a decade of playing this game, Retail and Classic, I have yet to see enough boxers to use all the fingers to count.
Can you boxer haters stop making a mountain out of an ant hill? And no, I don’t box, one account with all classes at max is enough to keep me busy.
I think Blizzard should automatically put people who complain about multiboxers into warmode.
I really dont understand this either. now i took a 10 month break from the game so i guess the problem couldve gotten worse while i was on break. but they dont appear more frequently for me. been back a month now and i have only seen one. it was some dude questing with 2 accounts at once. didnt really seem to be a bother at all
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It has definitely gotten worse. Over the last week when leveling alts in Borean tundra, I had to stop for over an hour 3 times because of MB’ers. That’s a lot of down-time just because someone wants to get gold. I’m on Alleria bTW.
It isn’t cheating. Blizz has determined that using 3rd party software to centrally control and choreograph numerous accounts with the goal of taking all available materials and loot in a given area is okey-dokey.
Rather it is an annoyance, like a horse-fly buzzing around the butt of a cow. Well, all I’m asking is Blizz give us the same courtesy a cow has, the ability to swat the fly away. If they are in warmode and they behave, nobody will bother them or they can go somewhere that they won’t be ganked.
It should be against both factions because multi-boxers are just like multinational corporations who act without regard to local laws instead relying on international norms to guide them. They farm in any area they can get to regardless of faction. They are the 3rd faction of WoW, and if they intrude in an area we should be able to encourage them to leave.
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Here we go again, another alt creating another multibox hate thread. Grab that bingo board and get those shot glass out it’s time for everyones favorite drinking game.
Everyone uses external applications to play the game.
CRZ has been a thing since Mist. The additional CRs aren’t doing what you think they are.
Do you qq this hard when guild groups go through an area to farm/level? It’s no different. Sounds like you’re more upset that you have competition for resources in the zone.
The only thing Blizzard need to police better are these threads, they’re beyond spam at this point.
This is the argument most commonly made in reference to this: “you use Windows, and that’s an external program, therefore you have to let all applications work”. No, Windows does not directly improve your gameplay, a multiboxing application that choreographs multiple accounts through an external interface does.
But, it is very different. If a group of players burn through an area, then there’s multiple folks working together to achieve a common goal. They have to socially organize what they’re doing and that’s the spirit of MMORPG. One dude controlling multiple accounts through a 3rd party interface does not have any social constructs and therefore is contrary to the goals of MMORPG. TL;DR group of folks griefing is good, one MB’er doing is it not. Also, when you have a group of folks in a leveling area that is in active use, they tend to go away at some point. MB’ers don’t, they stay there for hours and no play around them can continue.
This is a good point. You should be nominated moderator so we only discuss the things you want to talk about. We could call in Hellasha’s Quiet Place. 
Thank you for contributing to the discussion!
My experience with characters farming for gold on multiple characters has been a groups of bots only, usually using druids. Any real multi- boxers farm for gold in instances - it’s simply too time consuming to run around killing and looting in the open environment
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I’ve seen like 3 Multiboxers in the last 2 years? Or so? It’s so infrequent that i don’t even keep an accurate count…
Im seeing them all the time anymore. Never a single problem. Not even when Im leveling a new character
I think the OP is lying or exaggerating, personally.
Maybe it’s because i’m a dungeon crawler and spend very little time out in the world aside from getting my ASSAULT DONE AS FAST AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE SO I CAN GO BACK TO BEING IN A CITY
oh I see, you’re thinking you are so important, that your definition of the spirit of an mmorpg is the one the enitre playerbase must ascribe to.
guess what?
you’re not
a boxer - or a group of people not boxing - farming an area isn’t stopping you from leveling at all. go to a diffferent zone. tag mobs before they do, do a different quest, etc.
the mobs are not yours. you don’t have any priority over them because you want them for X reason not Y.
probably. MOST of my game is farming all over the game world. Im amazed I dont see them much more than I do, honestly.
This is where I disagree. If I’m levelling, why should I have to wait 8 hours while a MB’er hoovers all of my leveling mobs and mats from the area? It may be acceptable right now, but it is something I do not want to see in SL.