Put back in full premades please



So don’t play my friend, you won’t be missed…

I think premades are fine as long as they are forced to only queue against other premades

Yes, I have no problems with premade x premade and I guarantee that many do not.
The problem is a premade x pug that is not at all fun and completely takes the fun out of the game. But for those who are not premade, it’s a lot of fun right? Knock out the other team within 5 min, kill them on the ress and gain 200 honor + 3 marks

We really at the point now where we are telling people who want features that were actually in BC and not in this warped version to go to retail now lmao

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sorry you dont have 14 friends in an mmo. sad :frowning:

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Well, it did start in trade chat, but spending months together resulted in us becoming longtime friends. I even moved to a different guild because of my ranking friends. I still pal around with a bunch of them in dungeons or even pug into their guild raids and wpvp activities. Seems like you haven’t gotten the opportunity to do that yet.

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What a shame you cant Pug stomp anymore with 14 of your “friends” from LFG… real shame that is

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I would be by my friends but whatever you want.

Obviously not by random orc with 7 posts from Faerlina.

Not the point of this so I won’t keep talking about it but there was no point in your useless comment either.

Oh sorry, you’re a big guy with 3749 posts, gratz , u are the best
however, I said that because from what I read, you’re always threatening to leave if the changes don’t please you…

I’m not threatening. I’m commenting because I care about the state of the game and I care about friend groups of premades and stuff getting broken up, and server pops and things like that. It’s obvious from your posts that you care about one thing and that’s you.

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Nah, I’m finally able to queue for a battleground and know there’s at least a 50% chance I will win. Premades were awful and I’m glad they’re gone.


Yes, of course, every day I’m here asking for the premades to come back, because I can’t crush the opposing team in 5 minutes anymore, now I really need to play…

players always use the excuse “fun” to coverup for the for the fact that they don’t care to try.
I’ve have done a lot of BGs in my day and nothing was more frustrating than to scan players and see low level entries wearing green armor trying to compete with max level BG opponents. That’s “fun”, knowing we are going to lose right off the bat?!
To make matters worse I am forced to play with them or suffer a deserter penalty to accommodate players who don’t care.
I never joined a BG until I was at least level x8 and most times x9 until I had decent enough gear not to embarrass myself getting one shot. I wanted to help my side win, not lose.
PvP is about winning, that is fun. You don’t need to be in a premade to win. The strategy for winning any BG’s never changes and easily understood.
But too many BG players don’t care. Like so many aspects of this game, they want to be rewarded for minimal participation.
Pre-made players are punished for doing what they are supposed to do, maximized their effort for winning.
This is why BG’s should have been queued by gear level. This way those that are earning their gear will fight with equivalent minded players, and those who want to enter in greens can fight amongst themselves all day long, coming to the realization that the game sucks when everyone else sucks.

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I actually have been trying to stay out of the premade threads (I realize this is one). More of my recent stuff is about not liking faction imbalances on servers/seeing dying servers and for more personal stuff wanting an opt-out of HvH (although know I know that’s not happening at this point) and other things like that.

With premades I just KNOW there are PVP guilds and friend groups and things like that having challenges over this and I care about communities in WoW a lot. Communities are the fabric of what makes WoW Classic games good IMO. My premade posts are mostly saying there should at least be a premade vs premade queue and I’m fine with queue matching. All posts like yours do is make me want to respond to threads like this more honestly.

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In this I agree, I don’t mind having premade x premade. The problem is what many want, the return of the premade as it was before, because of this or that, no changes and blablabla.

Now you have roughly as many undergeared and highly geared players on each side.

The battles are mostly fair; I’ve been in way more evenly matched WSG/AB/EOTS than ever before without premades.

It’s actually fun knowing that you can join a BG and expect typically a good game.


So they balanced out PvP and Horde complaining….

Typical for children

The modern gamer culture min/maxed WoW so much that premades because 10x as toxic to the gameplay experience compared to the past. Blizzard did the right thing.

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Honestly I have to agree, I’d just prefer them separating pugs and premades. I get it’s no fun to face a premade when in a pug but it’s alot of fun to face a premade when in a premade. Playing with pugs is just frustrating half the time as there is next to no coordination. I think premades really capture the spirit of “going to war”. Which is a more realistic scenario?

Scenario 1: You’ve never met any of your squadmates before, you haven’t been given any orders from your commanding officer other than “win” and when you get to the battle it’s every one for themselves


Scenario 2: You have a squad of soldiers with a commanding officer giving specific instructions. When you enter the field of battle there is constant communication and re-adjustments based on the actions of the enemy.