Put back in full premades please

I’ll be honest I AFKed out of a game with a bunch of useless AFKers/quitters earlier today. I just see no reason to deal with that crap anymore.

Well, your first mistake was queuing AB. Right now all the Alliance action is in AV, and AFKers are being reported.

There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as they’re also asking for premade vs premade.

Pugs don’t want to play with premades anymore than premades want to play with pugs.



Premades are terrible for the game.

Unless it’s a separate queue


Didn’t you quit playing?

I never said I quit playing, find a post where I said that. I said I pretty much quit BGs on my horde which is true because I haven’t done one for over a week.

Actually, I pretty much say the same thing in all of my posts and don’t just change my opinions (unless I’m proven wrong about something) because I don’t say stuff I’m not serious about.

Edit: OK I looked through my stuff and said a few times that I’m probably done with BGs for now which is true, I even said in the post you quoted that BGs are pretty much no longer fun for me. The game mentioned in the other reply that I AFKed out of due to the bad players was the final straw.

That doesn’t mean I can’t mention where someone admitted to being a hypocrite or say that I think that people should have the right to ask for premades to come back or that it’s sad that PVP guilds are having problems. That is what my post said. I know you just post here to troll and increase your post about but I wanted to point that out.

As long as it puts you in a premade only queue then sure. If you just want to pug stomp then delete your account


I’ve said in over 200 posts that I like premade vs premade games the best and you know it.

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Sure, sure, buddy.

Yes and i wasn’t disagreeing with that sentiment, just pointing out that going back to premades being able to pug stomp which is apparently all the OP wants is not ideal.

Agreed. Pugs are horrible I like to be able to play with my friends/guildies

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Premade v premade would be fine (i.e. if matching forced raids to be matched up with other similar size raids).

But if they can’t do that, then premades need to remain dead.

The problem was the meta was premades vs pugs and it was just a disastrous mess. Especially with instant horde queues due to same faction bgs.

Maybe if you queue up with between 6-10 people it puts you into a premade queue where it pairs you with another 6-10 premade team.
And the same with 11-15 people. Leaves the solo queuers and the small groups up to 5 players alone.

Love how posters always post that PvP is just a sideshow in WoW, yet it has the largest contingency of whiners, who as always, want to the game to cater specifically to them.
A true PvP player does not whine, so one can trace the bellowing sound right back to the retail tourists

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So whining about not being able to full premade makes the OP a retail tourist?

Please god give us RBGs in TBC. It was and still is IMO the better form of PvP instead of just deathmatch arenas. Hell I think it would be cool to add in AV RBGs just to see some cool videos of the 40v40 premades coming back

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just the opposite.
He suffers from the reaction of people who say PvP is a small part of the game, yet still want it to cater to their preferences.

I disagree. Premades foster community and camaraderie. I have some of my most treasured experiences due specifically to the relationships created while ranking in Classic. If Blizzard were smart, they’d make their decisions based on what fosters community and long-term relationships.

I have the opportunity to still find premades by queing on discord at the same time that others que, but that doesn’t excite me the way that getting me and 14 of my ranker buddies together, all joking and kidding around. This ban has completely ruined that…


Translation “wah Wah why can’t I just have fun stomping the other team into the dirt every game, pls blizzard premade vs pug made me very happy with me and my 14 friends”

Stop the crying and queue as 5, no casual wants your sweat in this game disguised under the mask of friendship.


Yes, the 14 closest friends they just met in trade chat. :rofl: