Purple Parsing Lock looking for CE Sire Group

Can transfer if needed. Looking for a good group that wants to get cutting edge on time.

< TILTED > is a returning guild of mythic players with various Cutting Edges throughout their experience. We are currently seeking a few more players to round out a mythic roster for the rest of the tier and moving forward! Our goal is to accomplish CE every tier within a timely manner, but we are not willing to sacrifice our raid environment in order to accomplish these goals. Targeted harassment will never be tolerated!

Tues: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Weds: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Thurs: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)

Current Roster Needs:

Tanks: Closed

DPS: Everything!

Heals: Disc Priest

We are always open to any and all strong candidates so please don’t shy away from applying if you feel we would be a good fit.

Every raider is expected to carry themselves positively. This means don’t attack your fellow raider
Come prepared! While the guild will provide various consumables, you should still show up ready with what you need.
Know the fight: take advantage of external sources such as YouTube videos/guides for each fight before we pull. We will also keep our Discord up to date with the latest guides/information.
Know your class: just like above, take advantage of external sources to know how to play your class to its maximum potential.

Where to Apply:

https ://forms.gle/xMStKUWaEj1byZDv7

How to get in touch:
Dax#12441 (Bnet)
BlackMamba#1909 (Bnet)
Chugs#11757 (Bnet)/ChugsBleach#8587 (Discord)

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Hi Drakan,

Fearfulways is a 9/10M Alliance guild that raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-11EST. We would love a solid lock to add to our roster, so if interested please reach out to one of us below:

Battle Tag- Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

Battle Tag- Omega#11231 Discord- Omega#1053

Battle Tag- Bigeze#1485

Battle Tag- Bevee#1903

Battle Tag- Shadow#12663

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Hey Drakan we are Ethos on [H] tichondrius 8/10 m (%12 slg). raid times are tues/thurs 5-8 pst (8-11). We are looking for a warlock to push the last two bosses for CE. I would love to chat and answer any questions you have, feel free to add me
Bob the Tomato#0964 - discord
Bobthetomato#1875 - battlenet

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10/10M Looking to add another lock to our raid roster

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9/10M P3 on Sire currently recruiting for Reclears & 9.1 Tues/Thursday 8pm - 12am CST

is a midcore guild primarily focused on pushing Cutting Edge in Shadowlands. Comprised of WoW vets (some of which have been raiding together for years) the guild was able to down Mythic Ghuun server 11th/US 300th in Uldir (Alliance-Sargeras).

We are a midcore guild that likes to have a good time while raiding but still expects players to perform at a high level. We pride ourselves on having a fun, laid back raid atmosphere while still aiming to clear Mythic content at an above average pace for a guild running on a two night schedule.

While we do take raiding serious we also like to enjoy our time during prog/farm. We are a very laid back sarcastic bunch and we have 0 tolerance for any kind of drama or toxicity.

Looking for any/all players with Mythic experience or aspirations to join our ranks! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to one of the GMs on Discord!

If interested please contact myself or Vit on discord at Tekk#2328 / Vitalian#4229


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10/10M LF Ranged, apply from the link in the post or contact an officer. Good luck in your search!

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my guild could definitely use a good lock! ill leave our guild spam and hope to hear from you!

About US:
Meme Regime was formed in late 2013 as a 10 man guild full of friends. The bulk of us have been raiding together since BC/Wrath. We like to think of ourselves as good people looking to have fun. After taking a break through most of BFA and casually raiding for AOTC + Mythic kills we are back with the drive to PUSH for CE and potentially decent US ranks at some point.

Why join us?
Our raid leader is very good. He makes very clear and direct calls. I know a lot of guilds lack real mid fight leadership but we do not! We meme a lot at times. We have great bants. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though. We have a very healthy Mythic+ farm/push community and strongly encourage all raiders/trials to maintain an active role in it. We also spend a lot of off nights playing other games together as well as heroic farm.

We are currently 7/10M and working on Sludgefist.

What we are looking for:
Most importantly we are looking for people that WANT to play. Right now with mid tier burn out it’s very important that everyone in the raid wants to be here to keep the bants fun and the progression smooth. We expect the usual things like being early so we can pull on time, know your class, and always want to be improving yourself and your performance.

We do not recruit for a bench. 95% attendance is expected. We understand things come up but we are looking for people that WANT to play.

Current raid needs:
Veng DH
Shadow priest
ele shaman
resto shaman
Any real pumpers

Raid times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 9pm - midnight EST

[GM + Raid leader] Bnet: Contestio#1914 Discord: Contestio#3706
[Recruiter] Warmachine#1364 (Allen)

Thank you for reading our long post and we look forward to hearing from you!


We are currently looking for another warlock!

We are 9/10M with a tues/Wed/Thurs 8:30-11:30 raid schedule. Hit me up at MayorJuevos#1615

Hi Drakan!

Synthesis is a 10/10m 2 day guild looking for warlocks for our roster. For more information, follow the link below to our latest post.