[H] <Did it For Whitney> 9/10M LF DPS

Need a couple pumpers

still on the hunt

Looking for War Hunter Lock and any big pumper hit us up for Dena!

Still looking

Lonely and in search of friends

get this man some friends

Need a hunter and priest? Have P1 and P2 experience on Sire.

Hey I appreciate you inquiring. We are currently looking for a hunter, but unfortunately we have 2 Spriests already. :frowning:

NP! Have a free bump and GL!

Looking for some quality DPS

Could use a couple DPS still

Sire is moving fwd nicely!

Still looking for some dps

Anyone out there?

Still looking for some dps

Anyone out there LFG?

Some DPS spots available

still looking for some people

Anyone out there LFG?

Sire 19%! Dies soon! Looking for solid dps for Sanctum and remainder of current tier!