10/23/2018 11:32 AMPosted by
10/23/2018 11:29 AMPosted by
Not saying that the BfA story has been great so far, but can we get some context with the spoiler tag perhaps? I wana know why I’m freaking out before I freak out.
As far as I know there is no context. There’s a questline for the Alliance that involves purging the Vulpera because they’ve helped the Horde but last I checked the content surrounding the start of the purge is sparse at best.
The Alliance has always had problems with overzealtry so I’m going to wait until the story goes live before I call it bad.
You can safely call it bad, you dont have to wait. The Alliance doesn't have "Purge Squads." None of the leadership would approve of trying to wipe out a neutral race and this comes from an incursion so its obviously from leadership. They've successfully made the alliance evil and inept.
i feel like there trying to get inspiration from warhammer again...
so in respects to warhammer....
On the one side it's completely contrived and completely against everything Anduin is doing and saying
On the other hand furries...
Get them a job at Huff Post or something, bring in real writers.
But ya this is horrible writing. The whole "Oh they helped like 3 horde dudes not die in the desert and helped us kill the same bad guy snake as the Horde did, better genocide them."
Just...god awful writing.
Yeah it doesn't fit Anduin in the least bit.
It's almost like they half assed a plot forgot they had established characters with personalities, motifs, morals, and reservations.(Can only have one of those characters per expansion apparently.)
Look how bad Rexxar and Voss fit into this war based on who they used to be and what they do during the campaign.
Voss helping to raise undead dispite her hate for it?
Rexxar giving a weak motivation of Jaina killing too many people. A short while later he then helps in the attack on a neutral town where they murder civilians. Stabbing their parents up against walls in front of their kids.
Rexxar is now a POS.
I really hate when characters go through writer change ups and end up being a different character.
Maybe some context maybe not. Either way, this "Purge" seems to clearly setup for playable Vulpeera at some point.
Yup genociding most of the race = enough to be playable.
No I hope this puts a nail in that coffin. I'm still hoping I can join the purging squads regardless of faction.
Blizz, this is your answer to make the alliance "morally grey"? This is contrived crap. Seriously, your writers need to go. Get them a job at Huff Post or something, bring in real writers.
The Alliance has always had it's evil side, only the fanbois with blinders on don't see it. This is nothing new for you guys. And its good you get reminded of your dark side every now and then to make the mealy mouthed "BUT WE"RE THE GOOD GUYS" junk easier to laugh at.
And it is easy to laugh at the reactions to this.
So much whining and complaints about not getting enough story time or interesting enough story, and then when they give you story that can help make that side more interesting suddenly its a flood of whining because of the story.
This is one of the many reason so few people can take the cries of "Horde bias" seriously.
Blizzard is in a no win situation, not giving in to the whining is somehow magic evidence of bias, and giving in to the whining is also somehow magic evidence of the same bias. Its like there is just some utter inability to ever come out of a self inflicted victim complex
Blizz, this is your answer to make the alliance "morally grey"? This is contrived crap. Seriously, your writers need to go. Get them a job at Huff Post or something, bring in real writers.
The Alliance has always had it's evil side, only the fanbois with blinders on don't see it. This is nothing new for you guys. And its good you get reminded of your dark side every now and then to make the mealy mouthed "BUT WE"RE THE GOOD GUYS" junk easier to laugh at.
Yea except that hasnt been portrayed since Warcraft 3. The alliance, the way its led, does not have Purge Squads.
I've been so disenchanted by the games storyline since WoD.
This is why I am waiting for Classic. At least then, we didn't have furries. And if they do make Vulpix....errrr Vulpera a playable race, then it shows how far gone the franchise has changed, and not for the better (in my own opinion).
WoW writing team is on some bad shrooms
At least it means i'll probably be able to play as a fluffy fox boi soon
They legalized that stuff in California so we know where the writing is coming from.
...The Alliance has always had it's evil side, only the fanbois with blinders on don't see it. This is nothing new for you guys. And its good you get reminded of your dark side every now and then to make the mealy mouthed "BUT WE"RE THE GOOD GUYS" junk easier to laugh at.
Yea except that hasnt been portrayed since Warcraft 3. The alliance, the way its led, does not have Purge Squads.
Good thing we finally fixed that inefficiency in 8.1 then.
Aren't these 'purge squads' only part of the new Incursion events the Horde gets in Vol'dun?
In that case, they might not even be considered canon. They just needed some Alliance bad guys doing bad things for them to fight. I don't think the Horde has much presence in Vol'dun, so the Alliance has to beat up Vulpera, who like, helped the Horde PC a few times or something.
I say it might not be canon, because other game play "features" (Warfronts/Island Expeditions) aren't canon. So, they're gonna put gameplay above story here.
I bet Blizzard's plan is to have Sylvannas raise them afterwards and be ever known as the...Foxy Forsaken.
Yup genociding most of the race = enough to be playable.
Just wait for the big reveal!
Vulpera are actually highly evolved space aliens who have be following the Titan's from planet to planet scavenging their stuff.
Alliance purges will cause the Vulpera in Vol'dun to phone home and shortly thereafter the Vulpine Armada will arrive on the scene with the Last Foxfighter heading a squadron of space alien rebels in the Biennial Fulcrum against the dastardly Draenei and Human oppressors!
Got to have something to counter all the OP Alliance NPCs!
...The Alliance has always had it's evil side, only the fanbois with blinders on don't see it. This is nothing new for you guys. And its good you get reminded of your dark side every now and then to make the mealy mouthed "BUT WE"RE THE GOOD GUYS" junk easier to laugh at.
Yea except that hasnt been portrayed since Warcraft 3. The alliance, the way its led, does not have Purge Squads.
I don't like how the writers are having the faction leaders do things that make players war criminals. It's cheap plot devices to crank up the forced faction opposition, and it just feels cheap.
I'm ready to see Sylvanas sending you to rescue bunnies from Anduin's wrath in 8.2.
They helped Zandalaris......not quite the Horde. anyway....... What do you expect? Its War , everything is grey or gray.
Maybe some of the commanders in the Alliance are individuals capable of their own actions that aren't directly an extension of Anduin or the Alliance's themes. It's not like groups don't go rogue in times of war and do horrible things. For all we know these alliance are frustrated at losing so much that they pick on a race they view as weaker to take their anger out on.