Purely civilian guilds with mostly non-combat conflicts?

Just as the title says. Are there any civilian guilds that aren’t attached to a military, mercenary, or secret criminal organizations? Things like entertainment troupes, artist guilds, taverns, cults, churches, event organizers, caravan guilds, crafting guilds, new settlements, sailing/fishing , political focused guilds, rehabilitation guilds, etc… It’s warcraft so some fighting and danger isn’t a huge deal. I just want a guild where civilian characters can join and 4 out of 5 big events don’t end in /roll battles.

Edit to avoid confusion: This is not for the character I’m posting on.


Cast Company is an entertainment/merchant company.

Tirnol here is a bard of modest repute. His entire job with CC is playing music for events.

There are tavern nights with music and dancing.

There are also craft shows with merchant members selling their wares.

And there are “adventures” as well, but those are entirely optional.

Edit: These are not the droids we’re looking for?


Vigilants of Tyr is totally not a cult but is in fact a tax exempt organization.

Guild events are turn based table top dice events, some are combat oriented and some are scooby doo mysteries. We also have reoccurring social nights so silly hang outs with our characters.

You’re welcome to check us out and hang in discord. Even if we aren’t the guild for you, that’s totally fine and no hurt feelings. It’s your $15 a month and you should do what’s fun for you :smiley:

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The Wastewander Nomads in Uldum and welcome ALL races of the Alliance we are completely neutral to even special races like Gnolls, etc.

We are based in Uldum/Tanaris and do desert RP. Civilian/town RP centric. Stormwind outside of Stormwind!

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These all sound like great options and I’ll be looking into them over the next couple weeks! Thanks so much, everyone!

That’s awesome!!! Really miss the old wandering trader, ‘caravan’ style guilds, just don’t see them much anymore! Will definitely keep an eye out when down in Tanaris and Uldum!

Ummm yes 95% of guilds. Wtf server are u on you found this issue enough you had to come to the forums asking this very odd question lol

It’s funny how two people can have such opposite experiences on the same realm. 95% of guilds I’ve come across are military, mercenary, or racial.

I have found quite a few that are civilian friendly in theory. They say stuff like “We’re a mercenary guild, but we have a merchant rank.” or “We’re a civilian guild with a guard rank.” Then the event calendar has like one civilian night a month and 2-3 events a week that revolve around the combat characters.

Where are you seeing the recruitment advertisements for all these civilian guilds? It sounds like I have a major blind-spot.


I’m new to the guild (and I don’t believe they have a forum post), but House Shadowstorm seems to be civilian oriented. I believe that there is the possibility of some combat, but that doesn’t seem to be a very big part of their rp.

Here’s their website: houseshadowstorm. carrd. co (just remove the spaces from the address)


That was unnecessarily rude. Most RP guilds do revolve around quite a bit of combat d20 or otherwise, its a large part of roleplay honestly. That said we at Kraken Company do a good bit of Trade RP but ultimately yeah we do large amount of Combat RP too. How it does with most guild no need to get rude about it.


News to me. Most of the guilds that I know of would fall under the categories OP is not looking for; it’s quite rare I see a guild where most scheduled events do not include combat.

It’s hard for me to know for sure about ‘tone’ on a forum, but yours do not come off as very helpful. Perhaps you can instead point OP to these 95% guilds that you know about.


I’ll shout them out too! House Shadowstorm is lovely and full of my favorite future ghouls. Their website, just since I can post links, is:

There are many many options out there! If you’re looking more on the Cult side, Shadow of Lordaeron (I’m biased since I lead it) may be a good option for you! We’re currently more combat based due to a guild campaign but will be entering an arc of focusing on non-combat. Academics, research, corpse gathering (dig up your grandma!) and other things too! We’re smaller but may be a good option if you’re looking for dark rp and academics!

Our forum is:

Our Website is:

A few others I’ll mention, without going into too much detail: Blackwater Company, Antoran Harbingers, Modan Spellbreaker Agency, and many many others!


I have literally never seen a guild offering any of those in 15 years of playing. Maybe some on rp realms but 95%? Most guilds are built around combat of some sort

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In text it can possibly seem as rude or disingenuous but I wasnt attempting to be a prick. I apologize though as I did not realize y’all were from rp servers. All of these terms seem odd to me because while I’ve had a vast experience within world of Warcraft, ive never played on a rp realm. This must be exclusive to rp servers because i do not see this on any pve/pvp server I’ve ever been a part of. Generally people join guilds for a community to be a part of and it stops at that. We’ve got pvp guilds and pve guild or a mix of both…that’s about it lol. More power to y’all rp it up and have fun.

Welcome, newcomers. December is National Post on a Realm Server Thinking It Was GD Month.

Cookies and drinks are on the table in back that isn’t really there, we’re just RPing like it is…


I Adore this concept! Matter of fact, I have, at times, been looking for the same over the years. Sure, the core concept may sound dull and boring compared to combat centric RP guilds, but you just have to think outside the box a little. RP events could be Mysteries, Comedies, Romance (the wholesome kind).

Volunteering at the orphanage when suddenly you realize you’re missing one! Panicked, follow the clues situation that ends in a comical Hide-n-Seek scenario…
Out shopping to gather rare ingredients for a Fundraising Bake Sale (Scavenger Hunt) which leads to some innocent yet possible shady exchanges with some Black Market types! Ooooo…
Or… a “Boss Battle” where the group must confront a notorious “Karen” in a non-combat /roll style battle of Wits!
And finally… Who’s that Handsome Single Dad that just moved into the neighborhood!!!.. Competition style contest RP event to win the attentions of the new neighbor. teehee

I would totally support something like that! :two_hearts:


Aye. Pleasure tae meet ya. Thank ya for the welcome wagon. Are the cookies gluten free?

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As a dungeon master and storyline writer, I tend to go rather light on any combat encounters (even better if I can keep the dice out of it altogether). I haven’t, historically, seen a lot of guilds like this; it’s usually far easier to pit players against direct combat encounters than challenge characters in other ways (so most guilds have some kind of a d20-based roll system to facilitate it). It’s also a lot more work for a dungeon master to craft a storyline like that too, but I’ve found the best way to do it is to cater the storylines directly to the characters involved. Personally, I’ve found it extremely rewarding though, as it leads to much more character progression/growth. So far, the campaigns I’ve run under this umbrella have been very well received, and I’ve been wanting to expand it.


I need people to do that orphanage idea. That would be so much fun, lol <3

I’m having the same problem with there being very little in the way of non-military guilds, and I’m also not super interested in joining dark/criminal guilds. That doesn’t mean I’m opposed to darker themes now and then, but it’s not generally what my characters are about. I love some of the ideas both you and OP mentioned, and would love to see more of those! I’d just need to figure out how my character would fit into them, if they were created.