Purchased Diablo + Diablo 4 and have not recieved the rewards

I purchased the Diablo 3 and 4 bundle and have the war within all on my laptop thru my battlenet and have not recieved the ingame rewards. Please help

Nothing to help with quite yet, just gotta sit tight and patiently.

Cosmetic items from this promotion will be delivered by January 13 .


The promotion states the rewards will be delivered by Jan 13th. The promotion purchase dates run from Dec 17th to Jan 7th for folks to get both keys on their account.

Cosmetic items from this promotion will be delivered by January 13 .


It say by this date not on this date and I think that is what is bugging us all. We keep looking because we did not receive any response that we did it right, was quite a bunch of stuff to do and many people might not think they did it right.

Further down the page it states:

Once the rewards have been distributed (after January 13, 2025, rewards expire July 7, 2025), log in to the My Gifts page on Battle.net to claim your rewards). You can also use the Gifts button in the Battle.net Desktop App.


it’s January 12, has any gotten any rewards??

waiting until last minute i guess…

You have to wait until tomorrow - they’re not to send the items out a day ahead just because.


It’s very frustrating to buy a product and miss the tiny little * with a date that say’s by January 13, 2025 and then further down below it says after January 13th, 2025.

Seriously by or after, pick one so the community knows. I figured it would go out early tomorrow or after Tuesday’s downtime. We shall see if it happens or I’ll be hearing about how Blizzard scammed customers on Asmongold’s channel. lol

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This is your issue. You assumed something and it’s incorrect.

Whether it says “by January 13” or “after January 13”, demanding the items on January 12 is out of line. Expecting something (ANYthing) early is your cross to bear.


Personal callouts (be it streamers, players, posters, etc.) are best avoided.

If an issue does appear to have happened once we are past 13 JAN 2025 (in North America), then requests for more info and/or help can be requested at that time.


Just going to correct this: Past the 13th of Jan, 2025 in the United States. Not Australian dates.


Yes, thank you. I should have clarified the distinction in reference to time zones.

Making adjustment now.


And just to, hopefully be helpful for others that come upon this thread - they’d most likely roll out the rewards to not flood the system. Most likely in waves throughout the day/week.


Just received my reward - the bell icon on the launcher was flagged, clicking on it opened a window - took a few moments to populate but revealed the reward details and the big blue and white button to claim (as well as the expiry date to do so).


Just to add onto what Nephe said, I own D4 on Steam plus the expack. I have it linked to my battle net account and got the gift notice on the battle net launcher to get my mount and stuff.

This is mainly for folks who’s worry about playing on Steam.


So that is why I just saw “you received a gift” notification. I had not looked yet. Hah


I recieved mine today as well thot id chime in.

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I just randomly got mine too.

Apparently you got grandfathered in if you bought it via prepurchase like I did.
I was definitely curious if they’d still give them out or not to those that got it prior to the promotion.

Their news article confirmed existing purchases would also qualify. Mirasol linked it above.


Unfortunately I just read the headline on that lol. I did go to the shop just to see and that info wasn’t available there.

I wasn’t really worried because I was only missing the d4 mount.
Thankfully I had all the previous items from the wow diablo event (the tome is still my favorite hearth)