yeah, it is ridiculous how PF works.
The folks who WANT to run every step of the content will do that anyway…they dont need to be coerced into doing it.
Those of us who DONT want to, but prefer playing the game in other ways, are the only ones affected by PF crap.
It sounds like SLs isnt going to be hard to get flight, but I never underestimate Ions ability to take something that should be fun and turn it into a boring time wasting snooze fest…so I guess we’ll see, lol
The thing is the article from Blizz that was part of the Blues thread never said you bought the Memories of the Sunless Skies it is still a quest reward . What it said is upon completing the quest to get it players would be allowed to purchase the riding skill needed for SL flying . So the item isn’t what is purchased it is what allows players to purchase the riding skill for SL flying.
Oh it got even worse when in a web site release (not Blizzard) I believe it was Ion that said there would be no flying in WoD and that is when all the serious issues started that ended up in what we know as Pathfinder.
I don’t care about people trying to get pathfinder after an expansion ends. It’s optional at that point and if you want it, earn it. The rep required for pathfinder is so easy to get when an expansion is current it isnt even worth complaining about. Doesn’t mean people don’t complain but frankly they would be unhappy having to work for anything so who cares?
This is your opinion. People who disagree with you also have a legitimate opinion about how it felt in BfA to do every world quest on the map for 2 months, or wait much longer for emissaries to come up.
Because it’s “easy”, but people are supposed to be doing it as a job. Right.
Because everybody in the game is lazy but you. How do you stand having to tolerate lesser mortals who have fun wrong?
No don’t care. To get reverred is an absolute joke and if people didn’t get it done before pathfinder completed it was on them. I view them as nothing more than whining children dragging behind their parents crying that they are tired.
They are correct though. How do you search through code that hasn’t been made available on a PTR or the live game?
People aren’t hacking blizzards internal network when something is “datamined”, they are searching through code they downloaded to their PC via a patch of some kind. Usually a PTR build.
Here is how it usually goes:
Blizzard updates the PTR with a new build.
People search the new PTR build for new information
Well WOWHead is always talking about downloading encrypted builds from Blizzard’s servers. Some sort of arrangement they have with Blizzard I guess.
However, everything is still subject to change up to release. Even WOWhead states this. When there are changes, they are pretty quick to post new articles with those changes. The issue they have is they don’t remove out of date articles and redirect the link to the new one or update the old articles altogether. So if you blindly search, you get a lot of garbage that has to waded through.
The same way Wowhead always has. The data is in there. If it’s not encrypted, they find it. Images, models, etc show up in alphas and betas. It doesn’t just suddenly show up in live or on PTR. That’s not datamining, that’s just news.
Except there’s data from alphas and betas that gets used n later patcues— way before PTRs.
Sorry but no. You don’t attempt to belittle someone and claim datamining can’t be done unless it’s on PTR.
Also this:
That is correct. They are able to use model builders and the like to get at the data. They brought someone in to encrypt some things so they couldn’t be spoiled, but others are capable of being found way before it shows up on PTR.
They do encrypt some things that they don’t want to be spoiled in advance, like cinematics, but data has to be posted to the PTR or Alpha/Beta before anyone is able to to sift through the files.
That is the point the other player was making. Things might show up in those builds before they are 100% ready for player testing. Meaning you won’t see something if you log in to play the PTR, but if you sift through the code you might see references to quests that aren’t yet implemented, or currencies, or achievements etc.
Blizzard has to add this stuff to something like a PTR build before the community can search through it.
Those images or models people datamine are part of the builds uploaded to the PTR, or an Alpha/Beta. That’s literally what the other player was saying.
The item in question that you get as a quest reward when used allows you to fly in Shadowlands. It doesn’t ‘allow you to purchase’ flying in Shadowlands. It simply grants you flying. Here’s the item:
I am not at all keen to this. We haven’t had to buy flying in many years and those of us who have had to buy riding/flying remember it was NEVER easy. Mulitply that by 10-12+ toons on EACH faction and, well Blizz, you’ve made it another chore. Now, as some have suggested – what if it’s not gold? What if it’s a ridiculous sum of gold? You already showed us with the Bronto Longboi mount that you will make things out of reach for casual players. But worries me is how this is worded: “…you’ll be rewarded with Memories of Sunless Skies.” As we know, MEMORIES require Soul Ash and a Vessel, and the vessel requires trade skill and gold to purchase. It goes on to say, " *This consumable item allows all characters on your account to purchase the Riding Skill." This can be understood to mean that each character must acquire the consumable item which will be unlocked once one character completes the Last Sigil storyline. It may be construed that to purchase this MEMORY may be gold, stygia or soul ash. We have learned that you all in Blizzard LOVE the Maw and Torghast as much as players HATE it. We know that you will go to no end to make us grind, grind, grind and grind some more and that after 16 years you still haven’t learned how to make beneficial gains like reputation or resources account wide (where’s the fun in that). Blizz I hope you’re listening to your players. We’re all already burned out on Shadowlands. You wouldn’t give us a flight whistle because flying was being released early. And when you release it’s got a barrier to access and likely won’t be very relevant. Are you really trying to make us hate you?
That is from the wowhead ptr and has been up for quite awhile what I posted was from June 3 and directly from Blizzard. Maybe it is a typo who knows or maybe it isn’t in the ptr because they are testing SL flying there and it doesn’t get used for purchasing until it goes live.
You are arguing wowhead says this and I am say Blizzard is saying something else.
Who should we believe the actual company that makes the game or some other site ?