Purchase Flying?

You do recall getting your netherdrake in BC right?

Well, truth be told Ive never done that yet.
Now, if a nether drake can fly faster than other mounts, or repair/sell my gear, or let me harvest without dismounting, then maybe iʻd spend some time trying to get it.
Otherwise i have other perfectly capable flying mounts.
Heck, I am a perfectly capable flying mount in most areas

Nope. But let me assist your understanding, even though for most people it seems pretty clear:

I’m attributing the reinstatement of flying to the sub losses that happened in those 19 days between the publication of the polygon article and Blizzard’s mea culpa announcing they were reinstating flying, because nothing else happened regarding the game.

And the 18 months between the announcement at Blizzcon of no-flying and the publication of the polygon article, the sub loss over flying (which they knew at that point because they’d begun asking people why they were unsubbing), was NOT enough to change their minds on no more flying going forward, but SOMETHING happened in those 19 days that clearly was.

Is it possible there was another mysterious reason no one can figure out? Sure. Is it probable? Doubtful. At least for most everyone with a functioning brainstem.

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If only Blizzard had a pulse on the community. It’s as if “community managers” could be useful or something.

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I’m still confused as to why we have to jump through hoops at all to fly, our characters have killed literal gods. No hoops, no pathfinders, no reps, no gold, just “hey, I murdered a titan” and you’re off to the skyraces. Think of it a lot like boralus/zandalar wq unlocking after a certain point. you got to 120, spoke with a guy, boom! you can do most of the wq.

That, except for flying.


You’re either making childish semantic arguments, or you are clueless about programming.

Often, updates will include code intended for future updates that have no active element in the application/game in the current production environment. As a made up example, they could include code for armor penetration or resilience on gear again. It may not be on any obtainable gear, nor on character sheets or visible in any in-game way. Datamining is the process of searching or decompiling files into readable information which contains this code, which has no reason to exist unless it is a precursor to potential future updates. You aren’t supposed to know about this information, hence, it is not “released” and there is no guarantee they will ever make this code active in the production game. It is against the EULA of almost all software to decompile their code.

Arguing that it is “released” just because it exists in the hidden game files is being pedantic to the point of inaccuracy if they make you agree NOT to read that information.

That’s a lot of hot air, but yes I am capable of doing more than just copying/pasting code from stackoverflow.

What are you getting at exactly?

My stance remains that if Blizzard did not make a change in any of the builds that are publicly available, then such changes cannot be datamined, and therefore until Blizzard says otherwise, I’m interpreting “purchase” to mean just that - that they intend on us purchasing flying and have simply not made the change in PTR yet, likely due to testing purposes. Their word trumps anything that is on wowhead IMO.

You think halfway through the xpac is early?

I literally quoted you… Like, are you saying that you didn’t say those things now? Are you saying you didn’t say this?

Because that looks like you claiming that because there was no firm release date for flying, Blizzard lost 1 million subs a month for 5 straight months. Seeing as Blizzard lost around 5 million subscribers during WoD, you’re attributing all those sub losses to flying.

FFS they will do anything they can won’t they.