Puppies, Kittens, Monkeys, and Rats! OH MY!

I hope your cat doesn’t eat socks like my dog does. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

In other news Balboan finally relented and gave me the Barkbloom World Drop Leather Set Cloak I was missing to complete the entire Barkbloom Leather Collection (aside from Aspirants, I’ll do that later) and now I must sleep for I work tomorrow.


I want a sighthound (Greyhound, whippet, iggy, saluki, wolfhound… well the last one could be a mount)

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lol na he just grabs them and uses them as a binky XD


He’s still so hecking LORGE

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We do need dog mounts, there is what?

One dog mount that’s in game shop.


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Borzoi? :thinking:


Oh I know and I finally figured out why he has been having an upset tummy… dry food.

He cannot eat dry food and the wet food he needs is really expensive… so I’m gonna have to start making his cat food.

Special babys get special meals fit for a king!


Yes, of course the majestic noodles are always welcome :heart:
I just happen to have a a smaller speed demon (whippet) asleep in my lap atm

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lol right?

So far the recipe is beef, beef liver, beef bone broth, pumpkin, oats, omega 3 fish oil for kitties and a kitty mineral blend that contains calcium etc.

As I get chicken organs etc I’ll replace the beef and beef liver with chicken / chicken organs.

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Look out fancy feast! you got a rival pet chef!

While I’d love to stay and continue chatting and would love to see a pic of Ow’s whippet asmeepin; I really need to head to bed for work tomorrow. It’s been a real trip this evening with you all!


can cats eat baby food?

We have to put some on our dogs food or she won’t eat. My grandma had her for years and basically ruined her diet so she straight up refuses dog food.

We just cut up meat balls or chicken nuggets. We’re doing what we can lol

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If it doesn’t have seasonings, yes they can if it’s like just beef or something but even then, it may not have all the minerals they need.

That’s where the supplement comes in.

That’d be peak efficiency though.

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Harleys just a big strong lorge boy with a big lorge tummy lol

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lol indeed but he is more floof than fat XD haha

I am only T-level 2, so can’t post pic or links. This is the best I can do.

h ttps://gyazo.com/1dd1394560212e6840b34ea538b9c83a

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Me watching Harley get all big


I’ve had the vet recommend baby food that is basically nothing but pureed meat when my cat had tummy issues one time (she had a lot of tummy issues as she got older). I got chicken baby food and my cat liked that. Turkey or beef would work as well.

lol looks about right XD