Puppies, Kittens, Monkeys, and Rats! OH MY!

Yeah our dog likes that or a lil bit of pumpkin. Not too much but it helps if they’re having trouble going


Harley LOVES pumpkin.

Reason I was gonna put pumpkin in his food is so it helps with hairballs.

Pumpkin is another thing that helped with my cat’s IBD. She liked that for a while until she decided she didn’t.

Harley is a walking garbage disposal so I’m not worried about him liking or not liking food XD


It’s definitely nice when they’re not picky.

My cat was fine with what I gave her until her tummy issues started and she had trouble keeping food down. It took a few months before she got the right diagnosis and prescription tummy meds. I don’t blame her for getting picky after that experience.

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