Puppies, Kittens, Monkeys, and Rats! OH MY!

Speak with Animals lets you bypass that

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We need a Corgi Mount:


It was already created by a Student at Blizzard.

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A squirrel mount could be fun.


Well, the thing is, I mean to say that upon an interaction with a squirrel, lets just say I made the field goal. Hence why for the sake of this thread, I shall keep my distance.

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I feel its far too late to add more options to the vote. But what the hell.
Like post for SQUIRREL!


Great choice of picture! Animals interrupting baseball games is hilarious.

Letā€™s just pour one out for the bird Randy Johnson exploded on live television.


I want more spider mounts, we had one one time and I missed my chance. It would be wonderful to have more chances with different variables in coloration, sizes and patterns. Maybe even customizable one?

Dogs > cats

That poor bird!

There was also the eagle that landed on James Paxton.


We have couple of spiders still obtainable. One is a 2 million gold mount off the Mad Merchant in Legion Dalaran( Youā€™ll have to camp him heā€™s a random) and the other you just need a PvP saddle to get.

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Oh? Heā€™s still around? I thought he was taken out. Will have to start saving again then.

Yup! You just gotta camp him. Sometimes the secrets discord will post him being up. If heā€™s up for one server in a region heā€™ll be up for EVERY server in the region.

/looks at those talons.
/yells my own name.

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-evil cackles-

I now need to start a multiboxing setup and get lots of gold so I can march around the capitol city in these like a spider invasion


Duck, Kittens, and Squirrel are in a three way tie!

Hereā€™s Harley being himself lol


Battle pets yes, but different breeds and not recycling the same breeds like corgis and retrievers.

Poodle, beagle and basset hounds would be cute.

I would like to see some fat cats, fluffy cats and bald cats for battle pets as well.

Some cat breeds are already in game, because most of them are short hairs and all they had to do is coloring to describe that breed.

I want a flying monkey pet from OZ.

I havenā€™t seen any monkey battle pets.

There are some in game.

If you look in the pet journal in game most of them look alike just different names. Some new models wonā€™t hurt.

:cat2: :dog2: :monkey: :rat:
