Punk Rock Fans

Im a pop punk / hardcore guy. The Story so Far, All Time Low, Real Friends, A Loss For Words, Terror, The Ghost Inside, Vanna, Trapped Under Ice.

Just to name a few. Its tip of the iceberg really lol. I used to play in a band (not big) back in 2012-2014. Was a great time in life! Music is huge to me


Hell yeah, dude. That’s real cool!

Same, man. My two brothers played, too. We would swap instruments. I played keys and drums, one played keys/drums/guitar, another bass/guitar. Mom played rhythm guitar. Dad played bass. One of my siblings went on to play music professionally, toured round the world with a popular alt rock band from the late 90’s / early oughts (he almost got to play bass for Bruce Dickinson’s side project a few years ago)

My favorite memory of music is when I was jamming with musicians (older than me) that played with my mom in the 70’s. We were at a dive bar in southeastern PA. Playing covers. And a guy in the crowd comes up and says, “hey, I have my sax in my car, so you mind if I jam with you guys?”

We thought, lol, whatever. He was pretty intoxicated. Next thing I know, dude brings in a tenor sax and we start trading solos on The Doors Roadhouse blues. Total connection with a stranger over music 35 years old, when I was 18.


Same. I went through a time of my life where I could only listen to posi-core. Because it would just influence my mood and who I was so much.

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I swear I seen them before… must google to be sure, cause it was at a show I wouldn’t expect…

Googling done, yeah they randomly opened for Tech-9 in my neck of the sagebrush in 2003ish? maybe 04? was a random thing, but they got people hyped for Tech pretty well, was just a small bar that just happened to score them both lol.

I saw em at Warped Tour in Atlanta, maybe 2008 or so? We met them, nice dudes.


That sounds like a fun show honestly. They always played a pretty good set when i saw them. Had the opportunity to open with them and A Loss For Words a couple times for The Story so Far and Silverstein


Posi-core is a vibe for sure

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Lol it’s as if their amps only have MIDRANGE control

That’s a fun song/genre.

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So much fun for a 39 second song.

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The band i played with was called When in Motion if wants to check us out. Can google “when in motion bandcamp”. (Can’t share links on here /cry). Had so much fun i wish it was still a thing. One of our close friends (a guitarist) passed away suddenly overnight from epilepsy. Was a big reason on why we stopped because it just didn’t feel right replacing him. So many great memories though. The house shows were WILD lol


I like the new york dolls. Not sure if that’s considered punk or not

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One of my favorite shows was scoring a get in free card when I worked at Hot Topics, for Eisenfunk opening up for Tsunami Bomb.

Nothing like cyber goths and punks just straight up hanging out.


I was in a few bands over the years, guitar/vocals, sort of anyway! Several of my friends are still touring in bands like the Sleveens, Hans Condor. I miss playing sometimes but it’s a lot of work to stay good.


I’m an old punk fan. Used to hang out with a ton of bands back in the day. Ramones, The Q***rs, Tunnel rats, Bruisers, Dropkicks, US Bombs, Casualties, Unseen, The Business… the list goes on and on. Man I miss the punk scene :joy:


Oh man. Cherry Poppin Daddies, now that brings back some fun memories. I got to see them play a few times before they got big. They were almost regulars at the Elvis Room in Portsmouth NH for a while.

Now I gotta go find all my old tapes, records and cd’s lol


Heres a few that I would call Punk Rock


The Ramones prolly had maybe two good songs. The rest were average at best.

those are classics, even some proto-punk with velvet

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