Punk Rock Fans

Its been a nostalgic night.


I remember my brother being addicted to the sex pistols all he ever listened to


Great stuff! I love the Bouncing Souls.

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I got to see them one time. With Against Me! back in like 2003ish. I think. It was one of the greatest shows I got to see.


AS much as I love Metal, Industrial, Punk and (Hard)Rock. Always find more of the in between genre in my playlists… of course I’mma talking bout Rockabilly and obviously not Ska, cause I only handful of them, who (outside of Brian Setzer due to Stray Cats being early 80s Ska / Rockabilly birth) were once tried and failed punk/ska bands that found their groove before Stella.


In like 11th grade I tried so hard to teach myself to play a trumpet. Or anything similar.

I so badly wanted to be in a ska band.

(I failed)


Honorary mention is Catch-22 Keasby Nights cause my two daughters straight up bounce off the walls when this song plays lol


I so badly wanted to be in my friends pop punk band when I played keys. Yep, no amount of convincing them “keys to please are punk rock”, worked.

But I at least convinced the lead song we and bassist to do a side project. We named our “band” after the last box of Wonka bars: Lot 403

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Oh man. Now thats a memory unlocked. I saw them once in that 2001ish range.

I had a very short stint as vocals.

Punk was great because you didnt need to anything technically sound. Just fast.


When it comes to punk, the original Misfits are top tier.


For a very long time I was in the straight edge scene as well. Which caused some fun times at shows.

Oh I tried the whole front man singer thing. Having a voice as deep as mine I thought it was a golden ticket for a hybrid band of Punk and Metal. Yeah worked great for Choir and Theater. Not so much for trying to be edgy jnco jeans wearing malnourished teen.

Pretty much was was told to stay in my lane, no one wanted a Lanky Ginger Peter Steel sounding mofo. But hey in choir classes. I was the honorable sub woofer.


From my experience, those were the dudes most likely to start fights at shows.

It definitely had its moments. Not saying either “side” was better. And I know I was definitely obnoxious.

I do have a distinct memory of some people showing up to an advertised edge show. I think it was Bane. Saw a guy legit get dragged out.

Had a few in my neck of the woods… desert… they kept to themselves here, think it was everybody else vastly outnumbered them, but would absolutely go ape guano when Pennywise popped in town.

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Is that the preferred nomenclature? No more baritone? :upside_down_face:

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Oh for sure.

I have two distinct memories similar to this, one from an On Broken Wings show, and another from As Blood Runs Black.

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Craziest show was L7 for me. Holy fel did they now how to rile up a crowd, so many brawls. And only reason I got interested in them was cause they appeared in Serial Mom movie and they just so happened to be playing at a local club that was foolish enough to decide to do all ages that night.

I was the only male in the standard Choir, and they the students fought the school district for me to be in the all Female Elite Choir and I was, since then dubbed the sub woofer. I was bottom row right in the middle of the Sparanos and Altos, not even a singular Tenor. Got made fun of by my guy friends, they only did it cause I thought of it and acted before them and stuck it through lol.


There’s a ton of good Australian punk bands. In Memphis, Tennessee there’s a festival called Gonerfest and it’s focused on garage and punk, and a lot of Australian bands end up playing. Deaf Wish, Royal Headache, The Chats, Amyl and the Sniffers…I like hearing bands from other countries.

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I think most of the shows I went to didnt have much actual brawling. The circle pit was nothing but love.

Granted, most of my shows were any band that happened to be traveling through the area. My friends and I were renting a house that was just a ton of bunk beds. We had access to a book store we’d shove everything to the side. And we’d just be “hey, put on a show, dinner and bed on us”.

My coolest show of seeing someone before they blew up was Avenged Sevenfold, even if they werent really my style. But they were just passing through. Maybe 30-40 people there. But it was a fun time.

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