Punishment for Non-participation needs to be less severe

Players aren’t moderators, they aren’t GMs, they can’t predict the future. Blizzard is placing an impossible burden on players.

  1. Blizzard is asking players to always make the correct plays.
  2. Blizzard is asking players to predict the future.
  3. Blizzard is asking players to never be trolled.

These goals are ultimately IMPOSSIBLE.
Therefore, non-participation ban is an inevitability. Therefore, the penalty for such an inevitable misdemeanor needs to be MUCH lower than a week ban. Maybe a few hour suspension at most for the first few infraction.

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In the EU this same scenario is being met with 7 day bans as opposed to 31 day bans, and the cms will not provide any indicator as to why.


Whoa, that is extremely not cool.

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Yeah its wild. Pretty large discrepancy. Not that any amount of time is fair on false bans.

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