Punishment for ganking low levels in incursions

I think people should get a debuff for ganking lower levels in incursions. call it “Blood of the innocent” “- youve been marked by the blood of the innocent and will pay the price…” or something. any time you gank someone who is grey to you and gives no honor you should be killed by the guards on your next time past the area with guards. make the buff permanent until you die by the hands of the guards and make the debuff stack infinitely. this is one way to atleast make people rethink griefing… just getting tired of being camped by raid geared level 50s on my level 37 hunter…

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Transfer to PvE server on next open window of transfers.

People who complain that PvP happened on PvP servers should be punished etc etc.


You go down a slippery slope when you start saying “you can gank here but not gank there”. As soon as you do it once the flood gates open for people asking for it to be done everywhere PVP happens.

I would argue to leave it alone and let P4 move us past the encursions. They learned a valuable lesson to never structure content that way again.


PVP happened on a PVP server. If you’re not okay with that maybe a PVP server isn’t the right place for you? This isn’t some aberrant behavior, this is the essence of world PVP

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I think everyone that negatively posts on the forums about pvp on a pvp server should get a “Mark of PVP tears.”

Get 5 Marks and you’re forcibly moved to a PVE server.


wtf i went on a pvp server then I went to the most contested place and i got killed? WTF BLIZZARD FIX XD

I think anyone that thinks everyone that considers “pvp” is when you are ganking players that are 13 levels lower than your level is what is ruining the game. This is not PVP, it’s outright griefing. PVP players only want to be able to attack players and insure they will 1 or 2 hit them.

Keep on griefing and Blizzard will most likely have to implement war mode on ALL servers. Not enough room for all the transfers. And why would griefers not want war mode? So they can grief players that are in much smaller groups or solo or they can basically stop lower level players from accessing game content.

Too many players wanted to transfer off PVP servers and could not be accommodated. Keep on griefing until it’s gone. And that lvl 9 priest wiping horde at incursion turn in using the guards is griefing. That’s not PVP either.

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It’s not PVP, it’s a one sided slaughter


Keep on griefing. War mode inc and it’s players like you that will guarantee it’s arrival. Players are trying to get off and lets see what the population eventually ends up being.

Problem is there isn’t enough room for all the players that want to transfer. What they should do is move all the PVP players to one server and make other servers War Mode.

I totally would be good with that…

I’m not sure why they’re even enforcing faction balance on PVE. Spin up new servers if they need to.

i see your point and I agree. just don’t like the idea of making content that allows players to just grief people for no reason.

Its PvP. On a PvP server.

One sided slaughter doesnt make it not PvP. Its not the best, fair, or remotely balanced but it is PvP.

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What is war mode? I’ve seen multiple people bring it up?

Best thing I’ve done is transfer from Lone Wolf Horde(PVP) to Wild Growth(PVE). No more trolls, no more griefing. Just grinding!

Thats the best type of pvp

Try ganking lowbies now, you’re in for a surprise.

You’re wrong. I don’t grief. This behavior is why I will never play on a PVP server again. I didn’t realize that “world PVP” doesn’t happen if the outcome isn’t predetermined by level difference or difference in numbers. I didn’t realize that virtually all “world PVP” consists of either higher levels or greater numbers attacking lesser enemies. I didn’t realize that no one on a PVP server initiates combat unless they have a big advantage. I didn’t realize that what you call griefing is in fact the main form of world PVP and the reason PVP servers exist.

Higher levels beating up on lower levels? Yes, PVP happened on a PVP server. Working as intended.

All they need to do to fix this, is add the quest turnin NPC’s inside the dream (as well as outside). Then prevent level 50’s from entering the lower level incursions. Add a hotfix to allow crafting profession quest to be completed within ferlas or hinterlands. Problem solved.





  1. short for [player versus player]

that is quite literally the definition of pvp. a level 50 killing a level 10 is by definition pvp. if you dont like it. reroll or quit.

Waaaaahhhhmmbulance is en route. Don’t worry I will take care of you on the battle field. Your salty tears are wonderful. The great thing about the incursions is that they were added as an alternative option to leveling than just the typical run dungeons and quest grind. Hint- you don’t need to do them. If you find you are getting ganked on a regular basis then why go back there especially if you don’t need to? This is a P V P server. There has been multiple times when it has been said and you knew what you were getting into. If you can’t stand the heat, stay outta the kitchen- Take the free train to pve.