Punish Key leavers

Not where it matters. The game could easily track completions versus early quits and any other relevant traits of a chronic leave abuser. Keep in mind games now list if it is a completion run or not, so they can track if you abuse this too.

24h is to nice, give them 30 day ban from all grp content account wide. Then if they want to appeal they can fight with an automated service…

Leavers don’t ruin keys. People leave ruined keys. There’s a difference.

And you kinda make my point. Arbitrary statistics are meaningless. Until you can prevent the reason people leave keys, you can’t stop people from leaving.


People who leave keys after 1 wipe are a scourge on this earth. I typically don’t pug keys but I’ve had to this season due to chaotic work schedule not lining up with active times of people in my guild. Holy hell, what a miserable experience trying to pug keys to fill my vault options. The number of groups I’ve had implode over even the most minor inconvenience is actually insane. Idk if people are worried about having a deplete on their raider.io profile or what but if I played to do keys and this was what I had to deal with commonly there’s no way I’d still be playing the game.

It would be nice for there to be some sort of penalty involved if you leave the group without something like a group agreed upon vote to cancel the run/waive penalty. Or even alternatively to that if they reworked the key system to be something that wasn’t revolving around the keystone items and rather just going to the dungeon and selecting a difficulty similar to the way you select torghast layers I think that would be another way to alleviate the qualms that come with depleting keys and even helping when you are targeting specific items by not limiting the groups you can find.

20 deaths before first boss isn’t smallest mistake.
But I fixed the leavers problem myself. I never pug.

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It’s a prepade group. You choose who joins and people should never be forced to do something in a group that is failing.

Ive seen someone leave after 1 death just before the 1st boss and the kicker was they were the one who died because they aggro’ed a pack of mobs everyone skips.

Sad part was nobody cared or said anything, the Hunter MD them, the tank picked them up and I rezzed the dead person…

The angry posts will continue until some sort of recovery mechanism for keyholder is thought of. :wink:

Yeah, the idea of being held captive by some guy basically wanting a free carry is terrifying.


That happens. Still don’t think there should be punishment for it. There also shouldn’t be a statistic for incomplete dungeons because many high keys are abandoned when it’s obvious it won’t be timed. Designing a system of voting to abandon for those situation would be a waste of ressources when all of those are premade in the first place. Don’t want leavers? Don’t invite them.

So get into key, tank wants to be a jackwagon just goes afk grabs a drink and watches everyone leave. I am sure that will not happen tho right? Just try to make friends to run with.


LOL you must not pug many keys. Try some with azralon players, those guys will leave a key and ruin it for literally no reason at times. Guarantee the average azralon player would probably be a 50% DNF

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welcome to online grouped content. theirs an easy fix but the majorty here seem to not want to get friends on bnet who are good they run with or use a community there’s quit a few key ones or just do with guild idk. you just accept it and move on quit asking blizz to fix everything when theirs fixes in game already.


I wouldn’t be opposed to Blizzard tracking a keys completed percentage. Put it on the armory and open up the data to the API and the let people do what they want with the info.

In time it should become clear which players cause the most issues. Whether it’s someone that leaves at the drop of a pin or someone that is routinely under prepared to the point of people leaving the keys they’re in. They will stick out and both types exist.

I mean an even easier solution, don’t want to commit to helping out with someones key, then dont sign up.

If you want 100% commitment, invite people you know. Those leavers don’t know when they sign up that you are terrible. (You general, not you you.)


Honestly ^ this one sentence sums up most of these “please punish leavers!” threads


All the people I have seen leave had zero knowledge of the grp before they decided to leave, 1 self caused death left, 1 guy left right after a key was started. Thats a lot different then someone who leaves after 22 wipes ont he 1st trash pack.

Hard veto. Rather not be stuck with a bad idea forever because a handful of people leave low keys.

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How would that work for the cases where the group decides as a whole that it’s is not happening?

What about if multiple players loose power? Or blizzards servers just crash?

Every proposed punishment I’ve seen for “leavers” will also negatively impact players who are not the target.