Punch card nerf?

Not everybody are using red cards that give stats.

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Well, instead of questioning the BS answer they tried to feed us you seemed to be taking it in full hook, line, and sinker. Most of us know what you quoted there was a total line of dung, and the nerf was meant to nerf people’s ability to control their own damage. Why else would they nerf the stat stick?

Thank you for your response Kaivax .

Talk to the community first before doing the damage perhaps the backlash would lessen? Food for thought? It works.

The rage is justifiable though. It’s better to communicate with the consumers, but since Blizzard doesn’t do that which is why they’re in the situation. They best to change that motto and be more vocal or other gaming companies will show them up and do it properly.

Yeah after the fact. I mean it’s nice, but not in a good way.

Or that dev’s don’t pay attention to the data that is being collected. hmmm :thinking: It isn’t like that hasn’t EVER happened in the past… At all.

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Is it really easier to depend on your pawns to attack players that have complaints or would it be easier to just make the effort to stop doing this in the first place? Ounce of prevention vs pound of cure, and all.


I can understand why people are upset ,so am I about it but a response is apprenticed nonetheless.

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I was surprised to hear them say they were working on communicating with us in a better way.

I am not surprised to see them turn around on that statement almost immediately.


Oh I’m sure this is because of players like me who don’t follow website suggestions and stack critical strike instead of mastery on their fire mages.

Having “Subroutine: Optimization” and getting 11-13k ignites (*with time warp+combustion etc) and 70 percent threat against the tank was pretty fun - fun detected, nerf.

“We did communicate. We communicated by telling you we were planning to improve communication. God you guys can’t ever be pleased!”


The change shaved about 100 off of the stat it used to give me from my Titanforged yellow punchcard. That sucks.

Communication is great, and the damage difference, let’s not kid ourselves, won’t be felt mayb only by the Mythic hardcore try hard.

I keep seeing that it’s 1.090585 % lower on the sim but I don’t know so don’t @ me… just how I feel.

I think people are just too easy to jump the gun on things and rage without understanding what’s really happening.

Well, that maybe explains why my trinket is no longer worth the global cooldown since it is doing significantly less.

Thanks for the “gift”.

Nerfs and hotfixes are not new by the way, the way you worded that makes it seem like they’re sneaking around trying to find ways to upset you.

Did you play in the Diablo 1 days? The Starcraft 1 days? Communication was better. Like I said, not perfect, but certainly not like it is now where they put in ninja hotfixes, stealth nerfs, ask for feedback, ignore it or tell us thanks but you are wrong, then later admit they should have listened and repeat the loop.

You’re reading way more into this than is intended, why I’m not sure. I’m not claiming I need validation or therapy after this, just that it’s disingenuous to claim a stealth nerf was intentional and actually not a nerf and sketchy for a company with Blizzard’s staff and resources to not mention it until called out on the forums then say it’s forthcoming once the cat’s out of the bag.

Again, no one is suggestion nerfs and hotfixes are new. Just that a company with the resources of Blizzard shouldn’t be putting in nerfs like that without a peep then trying to spin it as a non-nerf.

Not sure why people want to see this as some huge rant or psychological issue rather than just an opinion.

Actually it’s just the opposite. The “mythic hardcore try hard” aren’t using the trinket anyway, or won’t be long. Given it’s a welfare trinket that anyone can get in about 5 minutes, this effects everyone BUT those that people like you seem to enjoy insulting because they do content you don’t.

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Huh, so who is it affecting? And I’m not trying to insult anyone. This is a forum, not the backyard of a school.

The casuals that use the trinket.

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It’s affecting the casuals for whom this trinket is (or rather was) quite possibly one of the best they would see this tier. Especially given the Mechagon crafted ones aren’t that amazing. Given casuals make up the vast majority of this game, it’s much wider-reaching than you think.

And calling people try hards is an insult, please don’t pretend it wasn’t. I don’t know quite when it became a bad thing to do tougher content and get better loot, but there seems to be a misconception among many that you must have something wrong with you if you do more than wqs and lfr.

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