Pumpers or pumping

Where did this term come from? It wasn’t there back when I played initial classic and tbc.

I’m not a huge fan of it, but it’s so ingrained in the game that I can’t do anything to stop it.


Are you saying that you aren’t a pumper?

PUMPER DPS GROUP LFM HC Pens need tank & heals(eye reserved, nether reserved)


Can’t say where it came from but it did follow retails “LFM Big D**k Dps” that was being reported. See the correlation?

yes it was

zoomer terminology. they won’t even stay off our lawns now.


Or 5-10 seconds after the boss is pulled when the tank has control of the boss he screams into discord




I don’t think that’s it, but thank you for getting that song stuck in my head, I didn’t even have to click the link.


Sure. Pumping was a term much before that song.


Thank you for this, BRB afk for 2mins.

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I don’t pump. I ooze.

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Pumping or ‘this guy slaps’ (slapping cheeks) are both derived from sex. Basically saying that someone is an alpha male that has lots of sex. Similar to the Big D comments. Why am I explaining this? I feel dirty.

I just assumed it was a zoomer thing. I’m getting old and I hate feeling like I’m not in tune with the current lingo, but man the current lingo ducking sucks. It’s bad taste, Zoomers need to pick better words that suck less.

imagine not being a pumper


Whats up losers Big pumper here aka big dog aka big d*ck dps. So you wanna know how to reach the top and play with the big boys, eh? Well first rule is, pumping isn’t something you can learn, it’s something you’re born with, ya feel me?
You’re probably thinking to yourself, how can i reach the heights of such chad pumpage like you big kev? Easy there kiddo. Around here, i ask the questions. Yeah thats my name up there on the meters. What of it? Nothing to say huh? Yeah, that’s what i though
Stay in school buddy, you got a lot to learn before you can come in here talking smack. Later nerds


my local 1 pole strip clubs called Pumptown. im assuming “pumpers” is a term popular with no lifers who somehow are attempting sexual gratification from a video game. or something having to do with pro wrestling.


If you were a pumper back in TBC the first time around does that make you an Original Pumper and thus OP?

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Because the people doing that aren’t on these forums.

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