There’s no longer a ripcord. They’ve gone “all in” with 9.1. I think there could have been a ripcord, but they’re obviously not interested in pulling it and they’ve cut the cord to remove any question about it being pulled.
It can’t be pulled at this point. Brace for landing.
They’ve released legendaries that you can sink Soul Ash into that will be completely locked into that legendary. They’re obviously doubling down on Covenants.
The whole Covenant Legendaries just confirms what I’ve thought about Ion and his arrogance for quite some time.
If the players like it , nerf or remove it and if they hate it double down because the players are idiots and we at Blizz know what they should think is fun .
I’ve finished my covenant world tour, which means now I go back to my best covenant Necrlord which requires me to do a meaningful “fill up the bar by doing world quests and dungeons” twice.
Yeah I’m still scratching my head like what they were trying to mention. “Ah ha see, you swapped OFF your BEST covenant after PROG was over? Guess covenants dont matter eH?”
I don’t see how preparing to swap to any covenant next tier goes against that point. Its simply preparing to pick the best covenant again isn’t it? If anything it sounds like awful busywork that I wouldn’t want to do, which is why I just play my best covenant and am waiting to see what they do to monk on the ptr so I can swap before the patch.
If you are happy with a split of 333990 Fire Mages being 288,111 Night Fae, 24,930 Venthyr, 11,929 Kyrian and 9,018 Necrolord and considering that a win - You do you Sentenza
I like when they go not everyone is picking the meta so there isn’t a real difference between them and you show them the numbers divided between the 4 covenants and pretty much (rough estimate) 75 to 80 % of a spec are running the meta.
Edit : Actually closer to 86.5 % doing the meta. And we all know 13.5 % divided among the remaining covenants is more of a majority then the 86.5 that went with the meta.