
They likely will #PullTheRipcord but WHEN will they #PullTheRipcord is the question. Maybe after this patch they’ll do it.

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Except you can’t.

I can’t tank or heal as a Warlock


Man building a raid is so easy these days now I just need 20 Swiss army knives.


Yeah, I’m so glad that Covenants finally did away with my Monks ability to be a ranged DPS.

Was really OP.


Because of food and an inaccurate assessment that spellsteal is better than purge? Lmao mmk.

Spellstealing a buff that increases your damage by 20%+ is significantly better than simply purging it.

The only magic buffs that are actively detrimental to spellsteal over purging in SL dungeons are the ghosts in Hakkar’s corridor in DOS.

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That’s what it sounds like. Sorry the game isn’t balanced Mythic. I’ll be having fun in Normal and Heroic.

then why do you care if ripcord is pulled for us? it doesnt impact you


Because the game isn’t balanced around Mythic, so why waste time doing that?

Whoa, you sure showed me. Damn i was really hope you’d be miserable! Arghh!

I’ll have fun doing heroic each week also doing sales, thanks! I’m glad heroic exists because it’s my primary source of gold in the game.

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You do you bro.

Another title

You keep saying that but where is your source .

Because just saying it doesn’t make it true.


Compare the amount of people clearing Normal and Heroic compared to Mythic. Compare the amount of achievements/rewards for Normal and Heroic compared to Mythic. Compare the variation of classes in Normal and Heroic to Mythic.

Mythic + gear is capped at +15. Keystone Master is at +15.

It’s pretty obvious where the bulk of the player base is and where the majority of the development went. Mythic Raiding is a mini-game.

The world first race gets more eyeballs than anything official Blizzard has ever done. Ever.

No MDI, AWC, anything has gotten close to the numbers WFR gets.

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But’s its not even endorsed by Blizzard, lol. It’s a mini-game. I’m surprised they would arbitrate world first after world first raiders cried about Pay-to-Win during Nyalotha.

This trash thinking needs to kept as far away from MMO’s as it can be. You go fail around, the rest of us dont want to. By the way, there are 4 difficulty levels now.

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Hey I can do maths too! To insinuate that this happens frequently enough to give mages a “leg up” is just silly

The best idea I heard was to have all abilities available for all covenants. You still pick one covenant - but each of the abilities is skinned to match your chosen covenant.

This way you can pick the covenant you want your character aligned with, but aren’t influenced by sims to go elsewhere.

Wrong - you create meaningful choice by allowing players to make choices on a content by content basis. The restrictions have ended up pushing people towards the meta - eliminating any sense of meaning behind their “choice”.

Removing the restrictions is what gives players choice. Will the top 1 % still pick what sims best? Sure - they’ll keep doing what most people do now. But the other 99% of the players that are casuals will actually have the opportunity to make choices that are meaningful to them - whether its to test on their own, to have fun, to try new strategies with odd compositions, or just for memes.


9.1 is introducing covenant specific legendaries, this gives me the impression that we won’t see unlocked covenants at all, even in 9.3. I’d be very glad to be wrong about this, though.

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