
You are proving without doubt that the wow forum community is split. Showing that we need to not pull the cord and wait and see how 9.0 shakes out.
So keep it up bro.


Spam is a reportable option on the flag list and I would have done it myself had I not been beaten to the punch by many good folks.

Numbers please?
And how did you get those numbers?


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The last thread had 330 likes. What other threads have had close to that?

I think you’d be amazed how poorly the overall WoW community thinks of the general forums.


hey, im one of them and there are 30+ other people in my guild who feel the exact same way.

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And if my guild wants to go run RBGs to just mess around for a night? Why shouldn’t we be able to push our rating to the best of our abilities? You also mentioned class limitations, as in…they already exist, why do we need more limitations to keep people from content? There’s no covenant that is gonna make a disc priest stronger than a resto druid in 5 man content, right? So why do we need covenants to add strengths and weaknesses to our classes?



You’re also under the mindset of having to choose that thing to be considered optimal and then they go and say ‘Blizzard is forcing me to do this.’ Your choosing to be optimal over maybe what you might want to do. Give it a fair shake.


Pull the damn thing, and get rid of the covenant dungeon buffs while you are at it.


This is the fourth time I’ve seen this particular thread. Considering making duplicate threads (especially those that get locked by a mod) are against the forum ToS, you’re probably not doing yourself any favors here by making this one. Claiming it isn’t spam isn’t blanket protection against reports of spam.

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That’s exactly the issue, we can’t choose to be optimal in all of the content we choose to do.


We can’t even really choose to be optimal in ONE form of content. Sure ST is great for some raid bosses, but not all of them. :neutral_face:


ive played it on the beta, ive already had to delete multiple characters to try each ability out and decide that i want to do what is best for the given content. what is the problem with allowing people to choose how they want to play the game? dismisal of how i feel of a subject isnt going to magically make it go away just like reporting every other thread that doesnt agree with your stance isnt going to make the stance go away.


Because they would’ve redesigned the class in other ways to have new strengths and weaknesses in certain situations. Disc does well in pvp and decently in raiding. They aren’t on demand healers that can save things in a second, their healing is more passive in a way if you get what I’m saying.

…yeah, I do. I don’t see how this is applicable to covenants adding strengths and weaknesses where they don’t need to? Even if a disc priest can’t be as good as a resto druid, why aren’t they allowed to select the option that would get them as close as possible, then switching to something else more raid applicable for raid night.

Ok you’ve just managed to out yourself as someone who is not in tune with reality.

Disc priest has been the top pick with Hpals the entire expansion for raiding. It’s by far the top two (strongest in Uldir/BoD) healers all expansion.

:clap: Bravo


Ill go with the number 330 even if i suspect that there is alts liking the post.

330 / total number of player
What percentage of the player base you think this is?
Even if you speculate the total number of players, the only thing you can get is that you guys are a minority. I think you should pull the rip cord on your idea.



As i was sitting in hall D watching the unveil of the expansion at blizzcon with @kuraga the first thing i said was that i wanna be able to swap and play with all the cool new fun stuff.

What percentage of players you thinks reads the forums? LOL

I get laughed at by my guildies for bothering with this place.


…so you assume that if a player that is playing retail right now isn’t in the forums and abstains from voting in these threads they’re on your side? Fo’ real?

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What… do you think we want? I like Covenants I think they are a fun and great addition to the game. Just don’t ransom player power behind them.