
If it wasn’t Covenants, people would find something else to faint about in terms of balance. Why is this such a huge issue?

That’s your idea thought process, but it’s not reality. I’m sorry you’re unable to see how you are obviously (numbers prove) the minority who thinks this.

So what, you want to start your campaign of It’s okay to be mediocre? Go make that thread and you can beat your drum over there. I’ll live over here in reality where people don’t want to be handicapped. The choice of being in a covenant you’re not a huge fan of is less of a burden than being 10% damage behind another covenant because of their ability apparently.

Ah was waiting when the next underleveled alt would give their opinion based on reading absolutely 0 of this thread. Welcome welcome.

What spec are you even talking about? What numbers are these?


Making a lot of assumptions.

So tell me why are you fainting over Covenants?

I feel quite a few people have the same blindspots as you. Let me try to address them one by one:

This is already happening. When 90+% of a spec of a class goes one covenant you know it’s already happening. And that’s not even just people on the higher end, that’s ALMOST everyone. This alone should be indication enough that covenant system as a whole is a failure.

And how exactly is the existing system addressing this? I would argue if players aren’t pressured to make “one right” choice, they have more freedom to explore and experiment. Let me give you an example. I think Swarming Mist is best for blood DK in high M+. I am pretty sure I am right. The guide says I am right. But I wouldn’t ever really know, would I, until I actually try the other covenant on high M+?

This was already addressed way back when we were testing the beta. There is no way you can balance covenant abilities. Why not, you might ask? Because it’s not mathematically possible. You have some covenant abilities that interact with existing abilities, some don’t. You have some that are good for single target, while others are good for AoE. You have some with added utilities, some without. It is simply not possible to balance covenant abilities across all types of gameplay.

The point of ripcord isn’t so that people can pick what’s best. People are doing that already. It’s so that people can pick what they want, when they want. It’s so that people can play the game how they want.


Other than Necrolords absolutely sucking (which I agree they need buffs), are you really trying to tell me that a 3% disparity between Night Fae and Kyrian is such a big deal?

Even Venthyr in that provided link is only 7% behind.

Call it an educated guess on asking questions like this in a thread of 11907 replies:

What are you even talking about? What spec? You are just linking covenants and %'s then expecting me to explain the difference?

You going to answer, or just ignore the question?

I’m talking about the Wowhead link someone provided above that lists Overall, all covenants by all characters.

Night Fae are on top, Kyrian are 3% under that, and Venthyr are 7% behind Night Fae and poor Necrolords are way down with half the # of players as Night Fae.

I’m going to refer you to the ability to scroll up and read the replies to your exact question that has been asked a hundred times and answered in turn.


Okay correct me here.

Because I’m not even convinced anyone would try to use “overall the numbers are fairly okay” as an argument point when we are talking about covenant abilities per spec.

You wouldn’t ask that right, nobody could be that silly right?


They aren’t stupid , they know it’s. A problem but if they fix it now then what will make the next patch special?

If there is a 9.3 .

They could still go to 9.2 and have more content then WoD.

It’s really not hard to imagine.

At the beginning of the expansion I picked venthyr because I wanted to be the best tank I can be for my guild in M+. Unfortunately when I stepped into arena and BG venthyr ability proved to be less useful than even I anticipated. That, alone, killed my drive to do any sort of PvP.

Later on I switched to necrolord so I can group adds in raid for guild (being the only DK in guild raid). That, in term, killed my drive to do M+.

Now, I don’t do anything I used to do in BfA. This is what I said back in beta:

If Blizzard doesn’t want to give me the freedom to be prepared for the content I want to do, then I am simply not going to do it.


You think that covenants are fine because overall the numbers are pretty good when we have things like

Boomkin druids:
371813 out of 419603 are Night Fae

Death Knights:
200789 out of 252351 are Necrolord

WW Monks:
185999 out of 251914 are Kyrian

Disc Priest:
107995 out of 153295 are Venthyr

Don’t worry though guys! The overall numbers add up okay so covenants are alllllllllll goooooooood


I honestly don’t really see it as a bad thing that there are leanings between classes.

To be honest, I don’t get why anybody would want to be a necrolord Paladin, for example. That makes, like, zero sense. So I could understand Necrolord abilities sucking for a paladin, because the entire covenant goes against what the class is about.

Now, some classes are more neutral, such as warriors and I don’t recall what exactly the other covenants offered warrior; I picked Night Fae because I just like Nature?

But for S&G, I’ll check… hey look at that. Fury Warrior (which is my most commonly played spec on that character) is almost dead last. But yet, at the same time, am I tempted to change my covenant?

No. Not whatsoever.

The only character I’m disappointed in the covenant with, is my Shadow Priest who happens to be a Necrolord. I choose Necrolord because that was the only covenant that gives her more AoE (and I was hoping the other ability didn’t suck as bad as it sounded, but sadly it does).

Boomkin druids:
371813 out of 419603 are Night Fae

Just a slight leaning guys, don’t worry! Just a slight lean. Covenants are all okay!


WOW, a NATURE-BASED CLASS feels more at home in a NATURE-BASED COVENANT, who knew!?

OMG, wow.

But I’m sure that ALL of those druids chose NF because that was the best choice in Mythic, right!?

EDIT: Here’s another absolute shocker: Paladins love Kyrian.


So it sounds like there are pro’s and con’s to each Covenant, why is that a bad thing in a RPG?

As long as each Covenant works in the content designed for the target audience (Normal and Heroic raiding, M+ 15, and 2000 rating for PvP), what’s the issue here?

Yeah there is a chance they wrap up Slands in their 9.2.

I that is true and it is only the upper 10% that care then the numbers would not be so high for some covenants. The only way the percentages are that high is because a vast majority of the 90 % are actually picking the meta covenants over the rp choice.