
Exactly… They need to just kill the throughput covenant ability system now. Just get rid of it. Soooooo much wasted time and resources into something that’s impossible to balance.

PLEASE! I don’t want to go Venthyr T-T

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I want to go Night Fae but that ability for pally is absolute trash. Might as well not even put it on my bar.

They have absolutely gutted every aspect of covenants at this point LOL…

If they keep nerfing them, why not just remove them? Makes me wonder when they’ll realize how much time and energy they’ve wasted.

Your comment also makes me wonder if I could make a raid and mythic plus group that totally didn’t use their covenant abilities. I would if we’d still clear +15’s and heroic at least.


It’s not too late, please do the right thing #PullTheRipcord

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I’m afraid it is too late, they are nerfed beyond repair.

It would require months of nerfs to be reverted for them to be meaningful again.


Best way to describe what blizz did to covenants



Shadowlands less than a week out and Blizzard are still massively reworking Covenants.

Surely they’ll be balanced for launch and it won’t matter what you pick. :clown_face:


Don’t worry. It’s only 16 weeks after launch to get a fully unlocked soulbind. Plenty of time for Blizzard to nerf that best choice into the ground. Just play what you want and complain every day or quit. Either way they are just going to add more to the cash shop to cover lost sub fees from the trainwreck coming.

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The real losers here are the WoWhead guys who have been doing great work with articles only for all the information to be wrong a week later :frowning_face:


I second that! What a mess. We’re trying to work out our line up, then realized that with the activity going on, we’re going to have to put off figuring it out. The Legendary system makes role choosing a tough call in the beginning. It will be fine later down the road, but asking someone to fill in a role right now is a hard request.

Hey man. Just play what you want. Who cares if the rest of your raid team needs to do an extra 30 pulls to down a boss because Blizzard nerfed what was originally the best option. Also, I’m back. Resubbed like…a month ago, but wasn’t allowed to post until today.

You do realize Covenants are more than just abilities right?

I bet that’ll make it easier to balance. I find that the more moving parts there are, the easier it is to work on.

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You mean the more there is the more they can nerf into being meaningless

Because that is pretty much what balance means in this game.

By god, all the beta testing has been for nothing ! I’m shocked!

Kinda silly of Blizzard to have such a long Alpha/Beta process only for us to find out in the end that Covenants are more than just abilities. What an absolute waste.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say or what it has to do with my comment.

I’ve been beta testing for months I think I’m well aware of what a covenant is and the package associated with it.


  1. Abilities - Hamstrung shadows of their former selves now trying to push being in the top 8 of a players damage (Formally top 1-2)
  2. Conduits, now hilariously terrible. These are weaker glyphs. They are basically minor azerite traits that we will put in and forget about. Absolute wasted potential
  3. Soulbinds… hahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhehehehehehehehhehahaooohoohhohoohohohohohohhoohLMAO
  4. Legendries - Getting the axe as we speak.
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